Chapter 7

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Chloe's POV

We all ate quietly, I try to avoid the gazes of the alphas. I could tell Sangyeon had his eyes on me, but I try my best to ignore it.

"What will we do here?" Haknyeon suddenly asks.

"I haven't decided yet." Sangyeon responds. I look over and see Sunwoo poking at his food, a frown on his face.

"Leaving my girls alone." He spoke.

"Your girls?" Changmin calls with a scoff, making Sunwoo look at him.

"Yes my girls. I may not be some cocky alpha, like you, but I know how to treat my friends!" He exclaims.

"Call me that again and see what happens, pup." Changmin growls.

"Cocky-" He begins but I grab his arms, pleading him to stay quiet.

Younghoon then slams his spoon onto the table loudly, anger all over his face.

"If I hear one more word out of any of you guys, I'll rid of you myself." He spoke darkly.

The four of us keep our heads down, eating quietly, I could tell Sunwoo was raging and getting more and more pissed. About half an hour later, Chanhee turned to us.

"The alphas are done eating, go collect their plates. Be careful." He whispers. We all shared a confused look.

"We have to clean up after them?" Max questions.

Chanhee nods and turns back to his food, as if he never told us anything. The four of us share a look again. Confused on why he said that. Haknyeon then sighs.

"Just do it." He tells us.

We all rise from our seats and start collecting the alphas plates. Sunwoo gets Jacob's, Haknyeon grabs Juyeon and and Changmin's, Max collects Younghoon and Eric's, while I grab Sangyeon's.

"Thank you sweetheart." He said gently.

"Pup's learn quick~" Changmin calls with a smirk.

I look over and see Sunwoo's face change from calm to angry quickly.

"Question, if I were to kick one of your asses, right here, what would happen?" He calls, his eyes flashing blue. Sangyeon glances over at Sunwoo, his eyes flashing a dark red, as if to be quiet.

"I don't think you really want to find out." Younghoon said, he then laughs.

"You can try." He adds.

"I'm sorry about his behaviour, he's had a long day." I said, pulling Sunwoo away.

"Chloe-" He begins.

"We'll take your plates away." I cut him off and drag him into the kitchen, Haknyeon and Max following behind.

The four of us go into the kitchen, Sunwoo throws a plate in the sink in frustration, it break instantly with the force. I sigh and rub his arm gently.

"Sunwoo, I know your mad but you need to calm down." I tell him.

"Yeah dude, as much as I want to do the same, there's a time and a place, and this is not it." Haknyeon adds.

"B-But-" He begins.

"No Sun, its the safest place for us right now, just hang in there." I said.

He sighs and hugs me tightly, he inhales my scent, something he's always done to relax. I rub his back as he does.

"I-I just don't want you thinking I've failed you." He admits.

"You haven't Sun, I promise." I said softly. He nods against my shoulder and I notice Max had zoned out, as if she was thinking of something.

"Guess we do the washing up." Haknyeon mumbles. I nod and Sunwoo goes over to pick up the broken place, throwing it away.

"They've been tracking us." Max suddenly said. We all turn to her.

"What?" Sunwoo calls.

"They've been tracking us." She repeats.

I share a look with Sunwoo and Haknyeon, wondering what she is talking about.

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