Chapter 8

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Max's POV

"Max, what do you mean tracking us?" Chloe asks me.

"It makes sense now..." I mumble. I look up at the three.

"Remember all the times we were hanging out and we sensed someone was there, but we couldn't find anyone?" I call, making the three nod and catch on.

"You really think so?" Haknyeon questions.

"How else would they have just found us like that? And know our hide out at the warehouse?" I reply.

"Oh my, what the fuck! Why would the-" Sunwoo begins, but then looks at me and Chloe.

"Its you girls, they want you." He suddenly said.

"No they don't. I think we shouldn't do anything too hasty. Just see how it goes." Chloe said.

"I swear its your scents. They are special, you are special." He said, his eyes wide. Haknyeon then sighs.

"I agree with Chloe, let's not do anything to hasty. Keep our heads down, follow orders. The more they trust us, the more space they will give us." He said. Both Chloe and I nod in agreement, making Sunwoo sigh.

"Fine, but if they try anything, touch a hair on either of their heads, I'm cutting them." Sunwoo said.

"You wouldn't be the only one." Haknyeon said with a smirk. Chloe and I share a smile, knowing they just care about us and want us safe.

"How are those dishes coming along~"

We turn and see Hyunjae in the doorway, a smirk on his face as he leans against the doorframe.

"Good." Chloe mumbles, turning around.

"You don't need to watch us, we're good." Haknyeon said, grabbing the back of Sunwoo's shirt, knowing he's getting mad. Hyunjae then laughs.

"You two, continue the dishes." He said, pointing to the boys.

"You girls, come bring the drinks to the alphas, they're waiting." He continues, pointing to the bottles on the counter.

We both nod and grab the bottles, walking out to the main room. We see the alphas sitting down, chatting about work, the betas standing around them. We set the drinks down and I felt someone looking at me, I see its Younghoon. I try to ignore it as I feel him taking in my scent. I quickly head back to the kitchen. I could hear Sangyeon say a short thank you to Chloe, before she comes back too.

"Why!" I shout, shocking my three friends.

"Why what?" Haknyeon asks softly.

"Why us?" I ask, wrapping my arms around myself.

"What do you both know?" I hear Chloe ask. I look over and see the two males sharing a look.

"Nothing..." Sunwoo mumbles.

"Kim Sunwoo, don't lie to me!" Chloe shouts, her eyes now flashing blue.

"I don't know much, but I know your both special." He confesses.

Chloe and I sigh, wondering why we're so special to this strange group of alphas and betas.

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