Chapter 4

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As Max is passed out in her captors arms, back inside the house, Sunwoo and Haknyeon catch onto Chloe's plan. Both of them manage to get to their feet and run. Sunwoo cuts his ropes on a knife in the kitchen, getting his hands free and running to find Chloe. He is quick to find her, following her scent and sees her on Juyeon's shoulder.

"Put. Her. Down." Sunwoo growls, making the older male laugh.

"Sit down puppy~" He coos.

Sunwoo growls again, but feels the need to sit. So he does back in the living room. All of them are taken back to the living room, Haknyeon's hands free now too, but neither of the two male omegas try to run again.

"Why!" Haknyeon shouts.

"We've told you why, the more you try to run, the worse you make it." Younghoon answers.

"Why keep us here?" Sunwoo calls.

"To keep you safe."

Chloe looks at Haknyeon and could tell he wanted to say something, but falls quiet as Sangyeon enters the room again. Everyone was tense as the true alpha was present. Chloe could feel it the most, her breathing suddenly falters, her heart beating like crazy, all the werewolves could hear but, but none of them said a thing as the true alpha sat down.

"Enough. I don't want to hear anymore of it. Hyunjae help them settle in before dinner." He orders. The oldest beta nodding.

Sangyeon leaves with his fellow alphas, Juyeon, Changmin, Jacob and Eric follow behind. None of them questioning where Younghoon was. As the eldest leaves, Chloe could feel her breathing go back to normal.

"You heard him, now lets go." Hyunjae tells the three remaining omegas.

Chloe, Sunwoo and Haknyeon follow the beta upstairs, but all Chloe could think about is if her female friend was safe.


Across the patio, in another house, the alpha house, Younghoon was stood by the window, a glass of whiskey in his hands. He hears the others walk in, all giving him a small smile as they see him.

"You know we can't get drunk, right?" Sangyeon calls. A disadvantage of being a werewolf.

"I know, I just like the taste." The younger responds.

The other alphas nod and notice the female escapee on the sofa asleep. They laugh a bit.

"Got your toy then?" Changmin calls.

"Not a toy, if I wanted one, I'd be down the club." Younghoon replies.

"She's the weakest so once she wakes up, we'll question her." He adds.

"Don't be so hard on her." Eric said, making the elders laugh. Jacob places a hand on the youngsters shoulder.

"You have a lot to learn, young alpha." He said.

Eric sighs and looks at the female, wondering why he feels the need to protect her so much. Is it his alpha instincts, or something more?

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