Chapter 12

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Chloe's POV

"Tomorrow, I'll show you around the place. The garden, the pool area, the recreational area and our little med hut." Kevin said, as he enters the kitchen.

"We get to go to those places?" Haknyeon questions.

"Of course, you guys live here now. Yes, we have a hierarchy we must live by, but everyone gets to enjoy themselves." He answers, a smile on his face, he seems much happier now.

"Okay, breakfast and dinner are at the same times, you guys can go back to your room." He adds before leaving us to finish up.

"You guys go back, I just need to grab some water." I tell the two.

They both nod and leave to our room. I stand by the window looking outside, thinking about a lot.

"Why are you always so deep in thought?"

I turn around at the sound of the deep voice to see Sangyeon. I could feel my heart beating quickly again.

"I-I was finishing up, sorry I'll head back to my room." I said, bowing my head, walking towards my room, but he grasps onto my arm as I walk by, making me stop.

"I didn't mean it like that." He begins with a laugh.

"I was just asking a question, you don't need to leave." He finishes.

"I'm...I'm just trying to process everything. That's all." I tell him.

"Relax." He said, but it made me more nervous.

"I'll go back to my room." I said, running off.

I head up to the room, seeing Sunwoo and Haknyeon relaxing and watching TV. I sigh and sit with them, both of them giving me a look but I ignore it. We spent most of the day watching TV, which worried me since Max didn't come back yet, but just as I was about to go looking, she came bursting through the door.

"Max? What's wrong! Are you okay?" Haknyeon is the first to jump up as she walks through the door. Sunwoo and I jump up too, noticing she's sweating and treary eyed.

"What the fuck happened!" Sunwoo shouts, raging.

"No - Nothing....nothing happened." Max said.

"But your crying." I mention softly.

"I was just scared....he didn't do anything to me, he just-" She said, but stops to look at the three of us.

"He just said you guys will change soon and I don't understand that." She finishes. We all share curious looks, I go over and hug her, patting her back.

"I'm glad nothing happened...but you smell really bad." I said.

"You have that douchebag's smell all over you." Sunwoo said, rolling his eyes.

We all sit down and relax again, watching TV, when dinner rolls around its simple and quick, the alphas not staying long since they had "business" to deal with. It isn't long before we are ready for bed.

"Okay, let's shower and head to bed." I said.

The three nod and Max grabs some clothes heading off first, she's been quiet ever since she came back in. I frown slightly and sit on the edge of my bed.

"Is he just being a complete ass?" Haknyeon asks.

"I...I don't know." I mumble.

"Probably." Sunwoo growls.

"We have to stick together." Haknyeon said, making us both nod.

Max then comes out the bathroom from a quick shower, she heads over to her bed, climbing in quietly. Sunwoo, Haknyeon and I all take quick showers before getting into our beds too.

"Kevin is showing us around tomorrow." Haknyeon tells Max, as she wasn't there.

"Okay...Goodnight." She replies softly.

I frown again, I don't like seeing Max like this, she isn't bubbly or happy. I don't know what Younghoon has said, but its clearly affected her. We all soon fall asleep, ready for the next day ahead.

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