You are in Love

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On the first day back from Christmas break, Draco Malfoy, a 16-year-old boy with blonde hair, found himself heading to his first period, Double Science. Climbing up the stairs to the second floor, he made his way to the classroom where his Science Lesson was scheduled.

As Draco entered the room, the Science Teacher's gaze fell upon him and then shifted to the clock on the wall. "You're late," she stated matter-of-factly, motioning for him to find a seat. "When you sit down, leave your school planner on the desk. You, along with two other students, have detention with me after school." Taking his seat, Draco noticed that Harry, his once-close best friend, was seated next to him.

Harry gave him a slight smile, causing Draco's stomach to flutter as he admired the green sparkle in Harry's eyes.

As Draco opened his exercise book, he began to feel overwhelmed by the buzzing energy in the room. His ADHD made it challenging for him to calm his nerves, causing his leg to bounce uncontrollably.

Sensing his discomfort, Harry reached out and grabbed Draco's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'll ask to go to the toilet," Harry whispered softly, his voice filled with understanding. "Come meet me afterwards so we can help calm you down." Draco hesitated, not wanting to inconvenience Harry or draw attention to himself. He shook his head, silently declining the offer.

Instead, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a tangle fidget toy, placing it on top of his pencil case. Focusing on the twists and turns of the fidget toy, Draco tried to find solace in its tactile sensations. The movement of his hands and the tactile stimulation from the toy began to soothe his restless mind, providing a temporary respite from his anxiety.

At 3pm, the final bell rang, signalling the end of History class for Draco. Suddenly, a wave of realisation washed over him as he remembered that he had detention with his Science Teacher. He sighed, knowing he had no choice but to make his way to the second floor, just one level up since he was already on the first floor.

Approaching the classroom, Draco felt a pang of anxiety as he glanced at his Science Teacher who greeted him with a sneer. "Finally, not late. Get in," she said coldly, her words sending a shiver down his spine. Feeling a knot form in his stomach, Draco obediently entered the room, taking a seat.

As he settled in, Draco noticed Harry come in a few moments later. His bag was haphazardly slung over his shoulder, and his tie was in disarray. Even though they were distant, seeing Harry's unkempt appearance made Draco's worry for his friend bubble up inside him.

Their eyes met briefly, and Draco saw a flicker of concern in Harry's gaze. It provided a small sliver of comfort amidst the tense atmosphere of the detention room. Draco's uneasiness began to fade as he reassured himself that they would get through detention together, just like they had faced countless challenges throughout their friendship.

As the teacher exited the room, she made it clear that there was to be no talking during detention. Draco and Harry found themselves seated next to each other, their silence filling the space. Harry couldn't help but break the stillness, speaking in a hushed tone. "You can't leave two 16-year-olds in a room together, it's illegal!" Harry whispered, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He couldn't resist a small smirk, his sense of humour shining through. Draco chuckled softly, understanding the underlying humour in Harry's words. "Well, she doesn't know that we're like Fred and George," Draco whispered back with a playful grin. "Mischievous, always up to something. We're quite the pair, you know, especially with my ADHD and your... well, just being Harry."

The mention of their shared mischievous nature brought a sense of camaraderie between them. Despite their differences, Draco and Harry had forged a connection that went beyond their daily struggles. They had grown to understand and accept each other's quirks, finding solace in their unique bond.

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