Two of Us

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On June 23rd, the last day of exams for the year 11s, Draco made his way upstairs to the Student Support Centre for his final Physics paper 2.

As he opened the door, he came face to face with Grace, also known as Miss Chambers. "Good morning, darling. Last day of exams and that's it for year 11. How do you feel?" Grace asked, her eyes fixed on Draco as he took a seat. "Nervous, but I made it," Draco replied, twiddling with his thumbs.

Understanding his anxiety, Grace offered, "I know why you're nervous. But you can start your exam at 8:45am along with everyone else. Would you prefer to take your exam in the hall?" Draco shook his head, indicating his preference not to take the exam in the hall. Grace nodded in understanding. "Alright, so you have 20 minutes to relax before your exam. Have you eaten this morning?" she inquired. Draco shook his head, bringing his knees up to his chest.

Taking note, Grace stood up and walked into the staff office. She returned with a pack of chocolate-coated croissants and handed them to Draco. Draco placed the pack of chocolate-coated croissants on the table, but instead of digging in, he pushed the pack on the floor.

Grace picked it up with concern. "Draco, you need to eat. Please," she urged, trying to get him to take care of himself. But Draco continued to shake his head, lost in his own thoughts.

He began to look around the room, his gaze darting aimlessly. "Darling, what is wrong?" Grace asked, her voice filled with genuine concern. Draco shrugged, unsure of how to put his turmoil into words. But Grace could sense something deeper was bothering him. "Has something happened at home or with your relationship?" she probed gently, hoping to uncover the root of his distress.

With a heavy sigh, Draco finally opened up. "Umm, nothing at home. Just with my relationship... but... my boyfriend decided to take a break," he confessed, tears welling in his eyes. "I-I thought it was meant to be, Grace." Grace's heart went out to her favourite student. She reached over and placed a comforting hand on Draco's shoulder. "Oh, Draco, I'm so sorry to hear that. It can be incredibly tough when relationships hit bumps or take unexpected turns," she offered solace. Draco wiped away his tears, grateful for the support. "I know, but it's just hard to accept... I thought we had something special. It feels like everything is falling apart."

Grace squeezed Draco's shoulder gently, assuring him, "These things happen, dear. It's okay to feel hurt and confused right now. Just remember that time heals wounds, and you have so much ahead of you." Draco nodded, still struggling to believe those comforting words. "Thank you, Grace. Your support means the world to me." Grace smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Draco. Remember, you're never alone in this. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you."

With those reassuring words, Draco felt a glimmer of hope flicker within him. He realised that even amid his personal struggles, he had a caring and understanding teacher by his side. And with that, he took a deep breath, ready to face his Physics exam and whatever challenges life may bring.

At 11am, Draco emerged from the study room feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion. He stretched his back, trying to release the tension that had built up during the exam. Grace, sitting at a nearby table with two other staff members, looked up from her laptop and noticed Draco's arrival. "Are you done?" she asked, smiling at him. "Yeah, I did it," Draco replied, a sense of accomplishment in his voice.

As he was about to join Grace and the other staff members, Harry walked in, his gaze fixed on the floor. Draco noticed his entrance and saw the weight of uncertainty weighing heavy on his face. "Draco, a word?" Harry approached, his voice filled with a mixture of nervousness and hope. Draco nodded, understanding that they needed to talk privately. He walked through the hallway, closing the door behind them.

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