Jokes on you

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On December 10th, Draco woke up on the floor, still groggy at 8:30 in the morning. His poodle, Nova, who had gone downstairs to play with her squeaky toys, greeted him with kisses and licks. As he rose to his feet, Draco opened his wardrobe and spotted the black leather flare skirt. A mischievous smile formed on his face; it was his birthday after all, and he decided he could dress however he pleased, despite the chilly December weather.

Carefully taking out the skirt, Draco laid it on his bed. He returned to the wardrobe and found a tight white long sleeved top, realising it was the perfect match for his birthday outfit. Feeling content with his choice, he headed towards his drawers and opened the one that held his underwear. Amongst them, he discovered a pair of black tights, completing his ideal attire for the day.

Draco walked downstairs, still clad in his pyjamas, and made his way to the living room. Narcissa greeted him in the hallway with a warm smile. "Happy birthday, my darling boy," she said, extending her hand towards Draco. He took her hand, and together they entered the living room, where a pile of presents awaited him on the floor. Lucius joined them from the kitchen, beaming with pride. "Happy birthday, sweetheart. 17 now!" he exclaimed, enveloping Draco in a tight hug. Draco returned the embrace, feeling grateful for his father's love. "Thank you. Is Harry coming over later?" Draco inquired, his excitement evident in his voice.

However, Narcissa shook her head, disheartening Draco momentarily. "No, baby. Sirius said no. But Remus said yes. So I'm going to speak to Sirius again, or I'll get Remus to do it," she assured him, determined to make Draco's birthday celebration complete. Draco's gaze shifted to the floor, his attention shifting momentarily to his socks.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, capturing his attention. Draco's eyes darted towards the door as Narcissa called him over. Obliging his mother's request, Draco approached the front door with anticipation.

Narcissa opened the door, revealing Harry standing on the other side. Overwhelmed with joy, Draco propelled himself into Harry's arms, refusing to let go. "I thought..." Draco started, his voice choked with emotion. "I was joking, honey. Sirius would never be that horrible," Narcissa interjected, comforting Draco with her soothing words. Gratefulness washed over Draco as he realised the depth of his family's love and the happiness they had brought him on his special day.

Harry playfully lifted Draco onto his back, allowing Draco to wrap his arms around Harry's shoulders and his legs around his waist. "Alright, my blonde beauty, gently lower yourself down for me. I need to use the bathroom," Harry said with a chuckle. He carried Draco into the hallway and then knelt down, allowing Draco to dismount from his back.

With a skip in his step, Draco made his way into the kitchen. He settled himself at the table where his mother, Narcissa, was diligently preparing breakfast near the cabinets.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sizzling sound of bacon filled the air, creating a cosy atmosphere. Draco smiled at his mother, a mix of excitement and gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Mum," he said sincerely, appreciating the effort she had put into making his birthday morning special. Narcissa returned the smile and affectionately placed a plate of freshly cooked eggs and bacon in front of Draco. "You're welcome, my sweet boy. Happy birthday again," she replied warmly, running her fingers through Draco's hair in a tender gesture.

Draco eagerly dug into his breakfast, savouring each bite while occasionally stealing glances at Harry, who soon returned from the bathroom. Basking in the love and warmth of his family, Draco couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment and joy on his special day.

After enjoying a delicious breakfast, Draco headed back to his bedroom. He carefully pulled a white, long-sleeved top over his head, tucking it neatly into a stunning black leather flared skirt that accentuated his figure. Completing the ensemble, he slipped into a pair of black tights.

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