Just the way you are

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Draco found himself seated in the Student Support Centre, engrossed in typing up his Photography essay for his coursework. As the day began anew, his favourite teacher, Grace, opened the door. "Do you need anything?" she inquired, her concerned gaze fixed upon him. Draco, slightly distracted, replied, "I do need to speak to my head of year regarding an incident that occurred yesterday after the Assembly." His urgency to converse with Mr. Greaves, the head of Year 11, was evident.

Taking a seat next to Draco, Grace pressed on with her query, "What happened yesterday?" Her curiosity was piqued as she observed Draco staring out the window, lost in thought. Grace then made her way into the office where another staff member, Mr. Taylor, awaited her. "Grace, what can I assist you with?" he asked attentively. Sensing the urgency in her voice, he continued, "Can I send an email to Mr. Greaves on your behalf? Draco needs to speak to him immediately."

Efficiently, Mr. Taylor began composing the email, while Grace exited the room and returned to sit beside Draco, who now nervously played with his fingers, a clear reflection of his anxieties.

Twenty minutes later, Mr. Greaves, the head of Year 11, entered the room to find Grace, also known as Miss Chambers.

Concern etched across his face, he approached her and asked, "Miss Chambers, I was informed about Draco. Is he alright after yesterday's incident?" Shaking her head slightly, Grace sighed, "He's shaken up. He doesn't even want to engage in his work." She walked into the study room where Draco sat with his head resting on the table, completely absorbed in his phone.

Kneeling down beside him, Grace gently touched his shoulder, "Darling, Mr. Greaves wants to speak with you." Draco, still engrossed in his Instagram feed, shrugged Grace's hand away and shook his head dismissively. Oblivious to the teacher's presence, he continued scrolling through his phone, paying no attention to their conversation.

Kneeling beside him, Grace insisted, her tone slightly stricter, "You need to put your phone away. We're in school, and even though I may be a teacher, I can still tell you to prioritise your responsibilities." Draco finally glanced up and met Grace's stern gaze.

Realising the seriousness of the situation, he reluctantly set his phone aside and begrudgingly turned his attention towards Mr. Greaves, who patiently awaited their conversation.

Mr. Greaves, accompanied by Miss Chambers, approached Draco with a gentle demeanour. "Draco, may I sit?" he asked, and Draco nodded, folding one knee up as he prepared to recount the distressing incident.

Sensing his vulnerability, Grace walked in with a stack of tissues and placed them on the desk beside Draco, offering a supportive presence. "Elisa is in school today, but she's in Isolation all day as a consequence of starting a fight with you yesterday," Mr. Greaves informed Draco. Seeking clarity, he continued, "What exactly happened?" Feeling a surge of frustration and hurt, Draco pulled his blazer over his eyes, momentarily seeking refuge.

He took a deep breath and began to explain, his voice muffled by his blazer. "She gave me a dirty look while you were talking, and then she grabbed my tie. She started hurling slurs at me, provoking me to retaliate. However, Harry advised me against it, so we both left the Assembly Hall. But as we were leaving, she intercepted us and pushed me, causing me to stumble into Harry. She taunted me, saying 'go crying to your boyfriend' along with more hurtful slurs, and then forcefully dragged me down to the floor," Draco recounted, his voice cracking as the traumatic experience resurfaced.

Understanding the distress Draco was feeling, Mr. Greaves responded empathetically, "Okay. I can see how upsetting this is for you. I will speak to Elisa and listen to her side of the story as well. Rest assured, we will handle this accordingly." Draco nodded wordlessly, feeling unable to speak further in that moment.

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