Space Between

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The morning after Draco's 17th birthday, he gradually awoke in his bed, his gaze shifting to the ceiling. Groaning, he flipped onto his stomach, grappling with a throbbing head that hinted at a possible hangover. However, uncertainty clouded his thoughts as he grappled with the headache. Rising from the bed, Draco made his way to the window, where he observed the clouds outside. They bore a resemblance to snow clouds, but he couldn't be entirely certain, considering the overcast sky encompassed a pale blend of white and blue.

Gazing at the sky, Draco pivoted when his mother, Narcissa, entered the room. "Good morning, my darling," Narcissa greeted tenderly, approaching her son. "Morning, Mum," Draco replied, joining her on the bed, which was adorned with rumpled pastel purple covers from his recent slumber. Draco settled back on his bed, unplugging his phone from the charger and noticed a missed call from Harry.

Curiosity piqued, he swiftly returned the call and activated the speakerphone. "Hey beautiful," Harry's voice greeted him softly. "Hey you. Sorry for missing your call, I was still fast asleep," Draco apologised, his tone apologetic. "It's okay. I was thinking, would you be up for some shopping today?" Harry suggested. Draco's expression fell, and a sigh escaped his lips. "I have to decline, I'm afraid. My grandparents are supposedly coming over today. Sadly, it's my dad's parents, and they're not particularly fond of me due to my sexuality," Draco explained, a tinge of disappointment colouring his voice. "They're just so homophobic."

A tenderness laced Harry's response. "Oh, love. If things become overwhelming, remember that you can always come over to my place. My parents and I will take care of you," Harry assured him with unwavering support. Draco knew that Sirius and Remus, Harry's foster parents, would extend their love and understanding if Draco's own grandparents made the situation unbearable. A spark of comfort ignited within Draco's heart. "Thank you, Harry. You always manage to make everything better," he expressed with heartfelt appreciation. "Hey, that's what partners are for," Harry replied, his voice warm and full of love. "You don't have to face it alone. We'll get through it together."

It was now 11 a.m., and Draco found himself anxiously sitting on the sofa, awaiting the arrival of his grandparents. The front door clicked open, and Narcissa entered the living room. "Darling, your grandparents are here," she informed him gently. "If you can't bear their homophobia, go to Harry's. I'll drive you there." Draco nodded gratefully, understanding his mother's willingness to support him.

Just as the words left her lips, Abraxas and Rosalind Malfoy, Draco's grandparents, appeared at the entrance. Abraxas's voice boomed with an air of sternness. "Draco," he seethed, his eyes scrutinising his grandson. "I see you're looking all... what's the word... queer."

Draco flinched at the directness of his grandfather's comment, a mixture of hurt and frustration welling up inside him. He stood up, his eyes meeting theirs.

Draco assessed his outfit – blue ripped jeans and a black short-sleeved top – before posing a question. "Uhh, what's wrong with that?" he challenged, a flicker of defiance in his voice. Abraxas's response was swift and cutting. "It's disgusting," Rosalind, Draco's grandmother, added in agreement. The sting of their disapproval was intense, and Draco looked to his mother for support, silently pleading for refuge from the prejudice.

With a sense of understanding, Narcissa followed him into the hallway, gently closing the living room door behind them. "Get your shoes on and grab your coat," she instructed, her voice unwavering. Draco nodded solemnly and made his way to the shoe rack in the hallway. Retrieving his black platform Converse, he sat on the stairs, hastily tying them up. His mind swirled with mixed emotions while Narcissa stood beside him, her presence offering solace and strength during this challenging moment.

After a 15-minute drive, Narcissa pulled up outside Sirius and Remus' house. Feeling a mix of nerves and relief, Draco unbuckled his seatbelt and stepped out of the car, with Narcissa following closely behind. They walked up to the front door, and Draco could feel his heart fluttering with anticipation as Narcissa pressed the doorbell.

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