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Later that evening, Draco stood by the door, dressed comfortably in light blue jeans and a white short-sleeved top tucked neatly into his pants. Narcissa observed her son as the doorbell chimed, prompting her to instruct, "Go ahead and take a seat on the sofa. We're expecting a three-year-old as well – Harry's little brother, Teddy." With a gentle ruffling of his hair, Draco compiled and made his way towards the sofa, settling down.

Narcissa opened the door to welcome Sirius, Remus, Harry, and Teddy, an adorable three-year-old with hair currently sporting a light shade of pink due to his metamorphmagus abilities.

Teddy instantly grabbed his brother Harry's hand, only to let go moments later and dash towards Draco. "Are you my brother's boyfriend?" he asked, his innocent voice oozing sweetness. Draco lifted the little boy onto his lap, happily playing along. "Yes, I am. Who told you that?" Draco inquired, playfully poking Teddy's button nose. Teddy responded with a mischievous grin and said, "Moony did!" referring to Remus.

Harry entered the room, taking a seat beside Draco with a warm smile. Draco returned the smile, continuing to play with Teddy as the little boy alternated his gaze between Harry and Draco.

Suddenly, Harry lifted Teddy onto his hip, sensing something was amiss. "What's wrong, little man?" Harry gently inquired, concern evident in his voice. Teddy looked at Harry, then at Draco, before finally answering, "Pads." It was a signal that Teddy needed a change of his pull-up.

Understanding immediately, Harry carried Teddy over to his father, Sirius, who was engaged in conversation with Narcissa. "Dad, I think Teddy wet his pull-up. Do we have any spares?" Harry asked, seeking a solution for his little brother's discomfort. Sirius, affectionately referring to Harry as "cub", responded with a smile, "What's up, cub? Pull-ups for Teddy? Let me check."

As Sirius moved to find spare pull-ups, Harry's sharp eyes noticed a change in Teddy's appearance. His usually vibrant hair transformed into a dark navy blue while his face flushed red from holding back tears. Sensing Teddy's distress, Harry tenderly held him closer, reassuringly stroking his back.

Sirius quickly retrieved the necessary pull-ups and wipes before returning to Harry's side. Just as he reached them, Teddy's distress turned into a torrent of tears. Harry, understanding his brother's need for comfort, swiftly carried Teddy upstairs to the bathroom to address the situation.

Once inside the bathroom, Harry gently laid Teddy on the changing table, carefully removing the wet pull-up and efficiently replacing it with a fresh one. Teddy hiccuped, his sobs gradually subsiding as Harry completed the task with care and tenderness.

After securing the new pull-up, Harry sat his little brother up and scooped him back into his arms. While wiping away the last of Teddy's tears, Harry spoke in a soothing tone, "If you ever need to use the toilet, Ted, don't hesitate to ask me or anyone else. We're here to help, and there's no need to be scared." Teddy sniffled, clinging to Harry tightly, his trust in his older brother unwavering.

The two of them remained in the bathroom, enjoying a quiet moment of reassurance before rejoining the rest of the family downstairs.

Harry carefully carried his little brother downstairs, relieved to see Teddy's hair returning to its usual shade of blue. Draco, noticing their arrival, stood up and walked over to them. He addressed Teddy with a gentle smile, "Is some handsome three-year-old getting sleepy?" Amidst the exchange, Remus approached and took Teddy from Harry's arms.

Looking at Narcissa, he sought guidance, "Narcissa, where should I lay Teddy down?" he asked, wanting to ensure Teddy's comfort. Narcissa responded with a warm tone, "You can lay him on Draco's bed, if it's okay with him. Darling, is it alright?" Draco, his ADHD causing him to struggle with verbal responses, nodded in agreement, unable to form words at the moment.

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