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Several months had passed since then, and it was now the middle of August. Draco had recently received a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and found himself sitting on the sofa at home with a cosy blanket draped over him. His mother, Narcissa, entered the living room, greeting him in a gentle tone. "Good morning, darling," she said, her gaze meeting Draco's as he glanced up.

Offering a quiet response, Draco murmured, "Morning, mum," before surveying the room around them. Desire for company prompted Draco to ask his mother, "Can Harry come over?" his voice barely above a whisper. He then made his way to lie down on the sofa, seeking comfort and some respite from his thoughts. Narcissa walked over to him and handed him his phone, assuring him, "Of course you can invite him."

Accepting the device, Draco climbed upstairs with his blanket and dialled Harry's number. He walked over to his window, opening it to let in some fresh air, and decided to light a cigarette. As he perched on the window sill, hoping for a response from Harry, all he got was silence. Draco let out an exasperated huff, causing an unexpected bout of hiccups to overtake him.

Despite his attempts to manage his hiccups, Draco's efforts were in vain. As he finished his cigarette, he decided to head downstairs to get a glass of water in hopes of calming his persistent hiccups. Upon catching a glimpse of Draco's continued struggle, Narcissa couldn't help but ask, "Hiccups?" Draco nodded, still hiccupping uncontrollably, unable to find relief. Sympathy filled Narcissa's eyes as she fetched a glass of water fitted with a straw.

Handing the glass to Draco, she advised, "Drink that slowly. But, Draco, you've been smoking again, haven't you?" Draco nodded, ashamedly averting his gaze to the floor. "It helps when I'm feeling low," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. Aware of her son's ongoing battle, Narcissa couldn't help but feel conflicted.

She understood that the smoking offered Draco some solace during difficult times, yet she also worried about the negative impact it could have on his health. Draco, sensing his mother's concern, excused himself and made his way upstairs to his bedroom.

Feeling a surge of frustration, Draco slammed his bedroom door shut as he reentered his room. Narcissa, recognizing his need for space, climbed the stairs and quietly entered his room. However, before she could offer any words of comfort, Draco crawled back under the covers, retreating from the world. Disappointed by their disagreement and knowing her concern had likely upset him further, Narcissa stood by the closed door, unsure of how to mend the growing rift between them.

Draco's phone vibrated, drawing his attention to an incoming call from Harry, his loving boyfriend. He answered the call, his voice quiet and filled with vulnerability. "Hi," Draco greeted softly. Harry's voice filled the line, laced with affection and concern. "Hey beautiful," he murmured. Sensing the distress in Draco's voice, Harry asked, "Do you want me to come over soon?" A surge of relief washed over Draco as he replied, his voice breaking and tears welling in his eyes, "Yes please. I really need you."

Overwhelmed by his emotions, Draco buried his face in his hands, trying to hide the tears streaming down his cheeks.

Understanding the depth of Draco's pain, Harry's comforting voice came through the phone, trying to offer solace even from a distance. "Of course, but hey, don't cry," he urged gently. Determined to be by Draco's side as soon as possible, Harry made a plan. "Let me leave now, and I'll ask Sirius to drive me," he suggested. "But I'll stay on the call with you until I get to you."

As Draco's sobs intensified, making it difficult for him to speak, Harry's voice remained a steady anchor. "My Bipolar's really bad," Draco managed to explain amidst his tears. Sympathy filled Harry's voice as he softly comforted his boyfriend, "I know, sweetheart." Seeking to understand the full extent of Draco's struggle, Harry asked, "Is it a really bad low?" Unable to respond, Draco continued to cry, his emotions overpowering his ability to articulate his feelings.

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