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Two weeks had passed since that day in January when Draco found himself strolling down his street. He reached into his jacket pocket, retrieving his keys as he approached the gate. Closing it behind him, he made his way to the front door and unlocked it with a familiar click. Stepping inside, he was immediately greeted by the presence of his mother and a mysterious blonde woman sitting beside her.

Confusion clouded Draco's face as he slipped off his boots and entered the living room, simultaneously removing his coat. Perplexed, Draco directed his question to his mother, "Who's this?" Just as Draco's father, Lucius, emerged from the depths of the house.

He caught sight of the woman and exclaimed, "Aurelia?" It had been years since he last saw his sister. Aurelia's name tumbled from her lips as she approached her older brother, embracing him tightly.

Lucius then turned to his son, beckoning him closer. "Draco, come here. This is your Auntie Aurelia, my sister," he introduced, extending his hand. Draco reached out, grasping his father's hand and glanced over at his aunt, who invited him into her open arms. Draco moved into her embrace, letting the warmth of kinship wash over him.

Draco's heart skipped a beat as he pulled away from his aunt's embrace. Her words caught him by surprise. "Your mum told me you're with a boy, that's amazing," she said, her eyes filled with genuine happiness. They both took a seat, settling into a comfortable conversation.

Just as Draco began to relax, his phone buzzed in his back pocket.

Curiosity piqued, Aurelia inquired, "Anything nice?" Draco retrieved his phone and saw a message from Harry, his boyfriend. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and he placed his phone down beside him. "Just my boyfriend messaging me on Snapchat," he replied, his cheeks turning slightly pink. "He's on his way over since he's staying here tonight. Then tomorrow, I'll be going to his parents' place."

Suddenly, a mix of emotions flooded Draco's mind as he made his way out into the garden.

He dialled Harry's number, feeling a heaviness in his chest. "Hey, my love. I need to tell you something," Harry began. Draco's voice quivered with anticipation as he asked, "What?" A heavy silence lingered for a moment before Harry spoke again. "I'm going away for nine months," he disclosed. The words struck Draco like a bolt of lightning.

Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to spill over. "I'm 18 now," Harry continued with a tremor in his voice. "So, I'm going into the Army for nine to ten months. I'm coming over to stay tonight, and then I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon." Overwhelmed by a wave of emotions, Draco couldn't hold back the flood of tears any longer.

Draco stumbled through the door, tears streaming down his face, and hastily made his way up the stairs to his bedroom. Closing the door behind him, he sank into the safety of his covers, seeking solace and a moment of respite from the overwhelming emotions coursing through him.

But his sanctuary was short-lived as the sound of footsteps echoed up the staircase. Narcissa, sensing her son's distress, rushed upstairs and gently knocked on his bedroom door. Without waiting for a response, she cautiously entered the room, concern etched across her face. "Oh, darling," she uttered, her voice filled with tenderness as she hurried over to Draco. Sitting on the edge of his bed, she gently pulled him up, holding him tightly in her embrace.

Draco clung to his mother, tears staining her shoulder as he allowed himself to release the weight of his emotions. "Shh, my darling. I'm here," Narcissa murmured, her soothing words providing a modicum of comfort in their tender embrace. She cradled him, providing the unwavering support and love that only a mother could give.

Amidst their quiet solace, a sudden ring of the doorbell pierced through the room's stillness, interrupting their intimate moment. Startled, they exchanged a brief, concerned look before Narcissa reluctantly released Draco from her grasp. She wiped a tear from his cheek before uttering softly, "Hold on, my love. Let me see who's at the door." As Narcissa made her way downstairs, her footsteps mingled with the anxious beating of Draco's heart.

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