You Don't Know Me

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It was a bright Saturday morning, marking the beginning of the long-awaited weekend. Draco comfortably sat on the sofa with his phone in hand, mindlessly scrolling through his Instagram feed. Narcissa, his caring mother, entered the living room and settled down beside him.

Concern laced her words as she asked, "Darling, have you heard anything from Harry?" Draco's face fell as he shook his head, the absence of communication from his closest friend weighing heavily on him. "No, it's bizarre. He seems to be deliberately ignoring me. I've tried reaching out to Sirius and Remus as well, but there's been no response," he confessed, feeling a sense of hurt from Harry, and by extension, his parents Sirius and Remus, neglecting him.

Narcissa extended her hand, gently placing it on her son's knee as a comforting gesture. "They're not just ignoring you, Draco. Your father has also faced their silence. It seems that Harry, Sirius, and Remus have been avoiding any form of contact with us too," she revealed, her voice laced with worry. "I'll talk to Regulus and see if he has any insight into what's happening. It's only fair that we seek some answers," she added, determined to find a resolution. Draco nodded, acknowledging his mother's intention to solve the mystery.

After about an hour of peaceful slumber, Draco stirred from his nap, feeling slightly groggy but more alert than before. He found himself leaning against the plush sofa cushions, the remnants of his blanket still tucked around him.

As he adjusted to his surroundings, Narcissa entered the living room, "You've got a visitor," she announced, her voice infused with a hint of urgency. Draco's heart skipped a beat as he processed her words. "Harry's here. It's about James, his biological father," she revealed, the gravity of the situation apparent in her tone. Draco's eyes widened with concern, and he nodded in response.

Leaving the living room behind, Draco made his way into the hallway, searching for his boyfriend. Moments later, his gaze met Harry's figure huddled on the staircase, fighting back tears that threatened to spill over. Without hesitation, he offered a hand and helped Harry to his feet.

Wordlessly, Draco guided Harry upstairs to his bedroom, their footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. As he pulled Harry into an embrace, Draco could feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. Harry's embrace tightened, his tears finally finding release as he buried his face in Draco's shoulder. Draco held him close.

As Harry revealed the startling discovery of adoption papers from both his late biological father James and Regulus, Draco's features contorted with confusion. The weight of this newfound information threatened to overwhelm him. "Wait. I don't understand. Regulus is listed on your birth certificate?" he questioned, his voice filled with bewilderment. Harry nodded, his expression a mixture of sadness and revelation.

He rose from the bed and crossed over to his bag, retrieving a plastic wallet containing the crucial documents that had altered his understanding of his own identity. With a tremor in his hands, he handed the papers to Draco. "Take a look. It's all there," Harry replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and acceptance.

Draco's eyes widened as he took the papers from Harry's hand, his gaze scanning over the information meticulously. "Holy shit," he gasped, his voice a mere whisper, as the gravity of the situation started to sink in. "So, you're a Potter-Black?" he inquired, his voice brimming with a fusion of confusion, astonishment, and curiosity. Harry offered a nod, a faint smile appearing on his lips amidst the complex emotions that coursed through him. "Basically, yeah," he replied, his words laden with a profound sense of realisation.

Days had passed since the revelation of Harry's complex lineage, and he found solace in the comforting walls of Draco's home. As the morning sun cast its gentle glow across the room, Harry descended the stairs, feeling a mixture of weariness and gratitude. Spotting Draco in the kitchen, Harry couldn't resist the urge to engulf him in an embrace from behind, seeking the warmth that only his boyfriend's presence could provide.

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