Somebody to Love

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Weeks had passed, and March was quickly approaching. Draco sat in the exam hall, his leg nervously bouncing as he wrestled with his Child Studies Mock Exam paper. Attempting to keep his focus, he looked around the room and hurriedly jotted down the remaining part of the question. However, his ADHD made it incredibly challenging to concentrate on the exam. Feeling overwhelmed, Draco glanced around and finally set his pen down.

Just as he was about to give in to his mounting anxiety, an invigilator approached him. "Draco, are you alright?" she inquired, concern etched on her face. Draco nodded, but the weight of his struggles was evident. In a desperate attempt to find some solace, he rested his head on the exam table.

Sensing Draco's distress, the invigilator knelt down and lightly tapped on his desk. "Why don't you go and get yourself some water? Take your time to feel better, and don't worry, you have extra time allotted because of your Neurodivergence," she explained kindly. Draco wearily stood up, making his way out of the exam hall, his water bottle tucked in his blazer pocket.

Refilling his water bottle at the nearby fountain, Draco appreciated the coldness against his clammy hands. Feeling slightly refreshed, he returned to the exam hall and settled himself back at his table. Catching the invigilator's gaze, he nodded in gratitude for her earlier support, and she nodded back, understanding the battle Draco was facing.

Taking a deep breath, Draco picked up his pen and faced the daunting task of the final question, worth a challenging 12 marks: "Theories of learning inform practice to support children's education. Analyse how Skinner's learning theory informs early years practice to support children's education." Despite the anxiety weighing on his mind, Draco summoned all his strength and determination to tackle the question head-on.

With focused intensity, he began to analyse Skinner's theory, drawing connections between the principles of behaviourism and its application within early years education. He recalled examples from his studies, citing how positive reinforcement and rewards could shape a child's behaviour in a classroom setting. The words flowed from his pen as he wove a coherent argument, trying his best to convey his knowledge despite the racing thoughts that threatened to derail him.

Draco felt the weight of his anxiety slowly lifting as he poured his energy into the task at hand. The minutes ticked away, but he remained steadfast, determined to complete the question to the best of his ability.

As he finally crafted his concluding paragraph, Draco grimaced, knowing his response wasn't perfect. But he also knew that he had given it his all, despite the hurdles he faced. With a sense of accomplishment mingled with lingering apprehension, Draco submitted his exam paper, hoping his efforts would be recognized and understood.

As the clock struck 12:30, signalling lunchtime for the year 7s, year 9s, and year 11s, Draco made his way to the playground. Eyes scanning the area, he spotted Harry engrossed in a game of football on the astro turf, surrounded by friends. Draco settled onto a nearby bench, retrieving his lunch from his bag.

Just as he was about to take a bite, Harry approached, walking over to sit in front of Draco. A warm smile graced his face as he greeted him lovingly, "Hey, my love. How was your exam?" Draco sighed, sharing his frustrations, "It was okay-ish. I kept getting distracted." His gaze wandered around the bustling playground, easily tempted by the various activities occurring around them.

Draco's attention suddenly snapped back to Harry as he heard the familiar lilt in his voice. "Harry... Can I join you in a game once we've eaten? I happen to be quite good at football," he teased, a playful glint in his eyes. Harry playfully poked Draco's nose, a mischievous grin on his face. "Yes, you may. Come and sit next to me, love. And don't worry, I promise you don't smell," he reassured Draco with a chuckle.

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