Into it

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Later that evening, Draco descended the staircase with Harry trailing closely behind. As they reached the bottom step, Harry gently tugged Draco back, suggesting they make dinner together. This unexpected gesture led Draco to collide with Harry's chest. Curious, Draco inquired, "Yes?" Prompted by his bold movements, Harry turned Draco around and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. Slowly, they moved backward until Draco found himself pressed against a nearby wall. Desperate to be even closer, Draco tugged at Harry's waist, urging him near, while Harry entwined his fingers in Draco's hair.

Inflamed by their escalating desire, Draco involuntarily bucked his hips against Harry's. Seizing the opportunity, Harry effortlessly lifted Draco off his feet, the blonde immediately wrapping his legs around Harry's waist. Carefully navigating their way to the living room, Harry deftly opened the door using his back as they approached the sofa. Gently lowering Draco onto the couch, he assumed a dominant position, hovering over him. Harry's voice dripped with both intensity and possessiveness as he whispered into Draco's ear, "God, Draco... You belong to me."

Draco's eyes fluttered open as Harry pulled him in for a deep, passionate kiss. He wrapped his legs around Harry's waist, pulling him closer, and moaned into Harry's mouth. Their breaths mingled as they kissed, and Draco breathed deeply against Harry's lips, relishing the sensation.

Harry pulled back, sitting Draco up, and pulled him into his lap. Draco straddled Harry, feeling the heat of his body against his own. Harry's possessive voice broke the silence, "Good. I don't even need to tell you what to do." Harry moved his lips to Draco's neck, kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin. Draco moaned softly, shuffling closer onto Harry's lap.

He wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders, feeling the strength and security of his embrace. Harry brought his hands down to Draco's thighs, making sure he didn't move. He squeezed the back of Draco's thighs, and Draco whined, looking up at Harry with pleading eyes. Harry went back to kissing Draco's neck, his touch sending shivers down Draco's spine.

Draco felt his body responding to Harry's touch, and he knew that he was completely under Harry's control. He surrendered himself to Harry's desires, letting go of his own inhibitions and allowing himself to be completely consumed by the passion between them.

Harry reluctantly stopped kissing Draco's neck and gently placed him back down on the sofa. He got up and walked out of the living room, heading for the kitchen. "I'm making dinner. What do you want to eat?" he called out to Draco. Draco, still feeling a bit flustered, joined Harry in the kitchen and shrugged his shoulders. "Do you have chicken nuggets?" Draco asked, his gaze fixed on the floor.

Harry walked over to Draco, cupping his face in his hands and gently lifting his head. "Of course," he replied reassuringly. "Sirius always keeps them in the freezer. Is that all you want?" Draco nodded, a soft smile spreading across his face. "Of course, sweetheart," Harry replied tenderly.

Draco laid his head on Harry's shoulder, finding comfort in his presence. "Aww, look at you," Harry teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "All shy because you're not on my lap or I'm not kissing you all over." Draco's face turned crimson, a mixture of embarrassment and affection washing over him.

An hour had passed, and their delicious dinner had been devoured. Draco now found himself sitting on Harry's bed, while Harry took care of the dishes downstairs. The anticipation built within Draco as he waited for Harry's return.

After fifteen minutes, Harry climbed back up the stairs and entered his bedroom. He walked over to Draco and settled himself on the bed, beckoning for Draco to come closer.

Draco placed his phone down onto the bedside table and crawled towards Harry, who sat against the pillows. "Come here, beautiful," Harry whispered, a hint of desire in his voice. He lifted Draco up and settled him onto his lap. Draco wasted no time straddling Harry, an unmistakable spark of defiance still present within him. "Still feisty, I see," Harry teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

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