Cigarette Daydreams

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The following morning, Harry woke up in Draco's bed, feeling a rush of joy as he noticed his boyfriend lying beside him. He couldn't help but smile, pulling Draco closer as he began to wake up. Draco's eyes fluttered open, a small smile gracing his lips. "Good morning," he greeted, turning around to press a gentle kiss to Harry's lips. Harry eagerly returned the kiss, his hands tenderly caressing Draco's cheeks before reluctantly breaking away. "Oh, good morning, my beautiful," Harry replied, feeling Draco snuggle up to him once again.

Harry beamed, tucking the duvet over Draco and reaching for his boyfriend's hand. Gently, he intertwined their fingers together, admiring the sight of the engagement ring glistening on Draco's finger. "Just look at how stunning your hand looks," Harry commented, warmth filling his voice. Draco released Harry's hand and cupped his face, kissing him once more, their love radiating between them.

Harry felt a mixture of concern and frustration as Draco abruptly pulled away from their kiss, announcing his need to use the bathroom. Chuckling at Draco's candidness, Harry watched as his boyfriend hurried off, and he patiently waited for his return. Four minutes later, Draco entered the bedroom, climbing back into bed. "Feeling relieved?" Harry inquired with a gentle smile. Draco nodded, cuddling up to Harry once more. "Aww, you're extra cuddly this morning," Harry remarked, a hint of worry lingering in his voice. "Is something bothering you?"

Draco shrugged his shoulders, a sign that something was off. Sensing the uncertainty in Draco's response, Harry asked another question, hoping for more clarity. "High or low?" he asked softly. Draco shrugged once more, retreating under the covers. Harry's heart sank as he realised Draco's bipolar disorder was acting up, and this time, it seemed to be a low episode. Taking a deep breath, Harry made a difficult decision. He quietly left the bed, switching off Draco's bedside lamp and closing the bedroom door behind him.

Walking downstairs to find an empty house, Harry sank onto the sofa, burying his face in his hands. He knew all too well that this was one of Draco's difficult moments, and all he wanted was to find solace in sleep, free from the weight of the situation.

An hour passed, and Harry, growing increasingly worried, made his way upstairs to check on Draco. As he entered the bedroom, he noticed Draco still asleep and quietly closed the door behind him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Harry gently stroked Draco's hair, hoping to bring him some comfort.

Draco stirred, rolling over to face the wall, his mood still clouded by his low episode. "I'm going to have to call the hospital, Draco. You're not taking your pills," Harry finally spoke, his concern evident in his voice. Suddenly, Draco's tone turned sharp, his anger flaring up. "Shut up!" he snapped, a mix of frustration and desperation lacing his words. "No hospital!" Draco yelled, pushing Harry away forcefully.

Stunned, Harry staggered back, his heart aching at the sudden hostility. "Get out!" Draco screamed, his voice filled with rage and pain. He ripped off his engagement ring and hurled it angrily at Harry. "I don't want your shit! So get the fuck out of my room!" Draco's words pierced through the air, leaving Harry feeling hurt and bewildered. But amidst the chaos, Harry remained determined. "Draco, no," he pleaded softly, his voice filled with unwavering concern.

Knowing that staying in the room was not an option, Harry reluctantly stepped out, his heart heavy. He closed the door behind him, trying to gather himself.

Another hour passed, and Draco appeared downstairs, wrapped in his blanket. Tears welled up in his eyes as he approached Harry, seeking comfort.

With a heavy heart, Harry scooted over to make space for Draco and placed a comforting arm around him. "Harry... please," Draco sniffled, his voice filled with remorse and vulnerability. "I'm sorry," Draco managed to say amidst his tears, his words laced with remorse. Harry pulled him into a tight embrace, his arms encircling Draco protectively. Draco clung onto Harry, his sobs echoing in the room. "I didn't mean to lash out at you," Draco sobbed, his voice filled with regret and self-loathing.

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