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In the middle of the night, Draco awoke to a searing pain in his back. It was still dark and the clock displayed the unholy hour of 2am. Wincing, he rose from his boyfriend Harry's bed and strained his ears to pick up the faint sounds coming from the adjacent room, where Harry's adoptive parents, Sirius and Remus, resided. Determined to investigate, Draco gingerly made his way down the flat hallway, his limp evident.

As he reached the room, Draco pushed open the door and was met with a heartwarming sight. Remus lay curled up on the bed, caught in the midst of transforming into his Animagus form of a wolf whilst still half-human. Beside him, Sirius sat attentively, placing a warm flannel on Remus' forehead to soothe him.

Spotting Draco's entrance, Sirius cast a concerned gaze in his direction. "Are you alright?" he inquired, his voice laden with worry. Unable to hold back the tears pooling in his eyes, Draco simply shook his head in response. Immediately understanding Draco's distress, Sirius extended a comforting hand towards him, all the while continuing to hold Remus close.

As Sirius asked if his son was still asleep or awake. Draco's face contorted with concern as he held onto Sirius' tattooed hand for support. "No, Harry is still peacefully asleep," he answered, confirming the status of their adopted son.

Sirius, adjusting his position on the bed, turned his gaze towards Remus, whose struggle to transition into his wolf Animagus form became evident. The heat had started to overwhelm him, causing him discomfort. Sensing the urgency, Draco settled himself on the edge of the bed, joining Sirius in observing Remus closely.

As Sirius brushed away the strands of light brown hair that obscured Remus' eyes, his voice held a hint of worry. "Draco, love, you should return to bed. Remus is about to transform into his wolf form, and as a werewolf, he can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous. It's important that you remain cautious and avoid any physical contact with him."

Just as Sirius issued this stern warning, Remus, caught between human and wolf instincts, growled, causing Draco to involuntarily flinch. "Sirius, we have to do something! We can't leave him like this!" Draco pleaded, his eyes wide with concern and empathy.

Remus, trapped in his internal struggle, barked at Sirius with a sense of urgency, demanding action. "Sirius! Get him out!" Gazing back at Remus, Sirius took a deep breath, his face filled with determination. "Alright, Remus. Let's take you outside." he said, his voice firm but calm. Turning to Draco, he added, "Stay here for now, love. I'll do my best to help him."

Draco left Sirius and Remus' room, his mind overwhelmed with worry, and entered Harry's bedroom. In the dimly lit room, he found his boyfriend, Harry, still lost in deep slumber. Climbing back into bed, Draco's movement stirred Harry, causing him to slowly open his eyes. "Draco, is that you?" Harry mumbled, his voice still heavy with sleep. "Yeah, I can't sleep. Moony is going through the transformation," Draco responded, his voice trailing off as the weight of the situation pressed upon him.

Tears welled up in his eyes, betraying his fear and distress. Harry sat up, concern etched across his face. "Oh, love," he tenderly whispered, reaching out to gently touch Draco's arm, offering solace in his touch. The sound of footsteps approached from the hallway, signalling Remus' approach.

Meanwhile, Sirius quietly opened the door to Harry's bedroom, entering with a serious expression etched on his face. "Harry, my cub," Sirius began, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and caution. "Remus has fully transformed into his werewolf form. It's safer if you keep Draco here with you, or perhaps take him to the kitchen to help calm him down. Moony desperately wants to go outside and vent his frustrations, but it's not safe for him to do so." Sirius' words hung heavily in the air as he glanced towards Draco, their worry mirroring each other's.

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