Not Strong Enough

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The following morning, Draco awoke to find Harry lying next to him. His sleepy recollections of yesterday led him to recall Harry whispering something to him, but the exact words eluded him. It wasn't until that moment that Draco realised Harry had actually said "I love you" to him the previous night, while Draco was peacefully dreaming in bed.

As he sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Draco noticed his new puppy, Nova, trotting into the room. He stepped out of bed and gently picked her up, running his fingers through her soft cream-coloured fur.

Placing a tender kiss on her forehead, Draco made his way downstairs, where he found his parents preparing for their day of work. "Good morning," Draco greeted with a yawn, addressing his parents. "Morning, darling," Narcissa replied, reaching out to cuddle Nova in her arms. The pup reciprocated her affection with playful kisses and licks. "And good morning to you too, Nova," she added lovingly, reciprocating Nova's licks and kisses. Draco made his way into the living room, sensing movement from upstairs.

As he settled onto the sofa, propping himself up against the plush pillows, he realised it was just Harry, his boyfriend, who had woken up. Meanwhile, Nova trotted along behind Draco and effortlessly jumped onto the sofa, finding a cosy spot on Draco's lap. She curled up, nuzzling against him, and Draco couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight.

A few moments later, Harry descended the stairs and entered the living room, where Draco sat with Nova comfortably nestled in his lap. Harry approached, leaning down to softly peck Draco's lips. Draco returned the affection with a smile, savouring the warm connection for a few minutes before pulling back. "No more making out in front of Nova," Draco teased, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

He playfully covered Nova's eyes, who blinked her innocent, soulful dark brown eyes, blissfully unaware of the romantic exchange happening before her. Harry chuckled, his eyes sparkling with affection. "You're right, sweetie," he replied, his voice gentle. "We wouldn't want to corrupt her innocence with our loving antics, now would we?" Draco nodded, a playful glint in his eyes. "No, we'll save that for when she's all grown up and can handle it," he said, his smirk widening. Harry joined in Draco's laughter, green eyes shimmering with adoration.

With a final tender gaze at Nova, the couple continued their morning, entertaining the idea of stolen kisses when the time was right.

Draco's emotions swirled within him, causing an overwhelming heaviness to settle in his heart. He managed to nod in response to Harry's silent question, indicating that he wasn't exactly alright. Sensing Draco's unease, Harry watched with concern as Draco gently placed Nova on the floor before making his way upstairs to their bedroom.

With worry evident in his eyes, Harry followed Draco up the staircase and opened the bedroom door. Finding Draco buried under the covers, tears welling up in his eyes, Harry's heart ached for his vulnerable boyfriend. He sat down on the bed, his voice filled with tenderness, "Hey, are you okay?" Draco slowly withdrew his head from beneath the covers, revealing a tearful smile. "Hi," he greeted with a shaky voice, letting his emotions spill over.

Harry's presence alone offered a comforting solace, soothing Draco's troubled mind. "Oh, hey, sweetheart," Harry responded, reaching out his arms to embrace Draco. Draco leaned into Harry's comforting hold, feeling a flicker of warmth and security in his arms. With a soft giggle amidst his tears, Draco apologised for his emotional state.

He admitted to dwelling on negative thoughts but reassured Harry that he was feeling better now. Harry's voice resonated with understanding as he softly replied, "Don't worry. I could sense something was bothering you, so I gave you some space to gather yourself." Draco nodded, appreciating Harry's astute perception and the brief respite he had provided.

Lying down on the bed, Draco looked up at Harry with a hopeful yet vulnerable expression. "Hmm... Would you like to cuddle?" he suggested, seeking the warmth and reassurance that came with their intimate connection. Harry chuckled, his eyes filled with love. "Do I really need to answer that?" he playfully teased, lifting Draco in his arms and gently laying him on the bed.

They snuggled up together, finding comfort in each other's presence, vowing to chase away the shadows that haunted Draco's mind.

Draco curled up comfortably in Harry's arms, seeking solace in their tender embrace. Harry's gentle strokes through Draco's hair brought a momentary tranquillity, but it was soon interrupted by Harry's realisation of Draco's hair needing washing. "Darling, I think it's time to wash your hair. It's starting to get a little greasy," Harry gently spoke, his voice filled with concern. Draco shook his head, unbothered by the state of his hair as he kept his face buried against Harry's chest. "Don't care," he mumbled softly.

Harry persisted, aware of the importance of personal hygiene. "Draco, please. Let me wash your hair. It's getting gross and greasy. Do you want to walk around with greasy hair? Do you want to resemble our year 10 science teacher? Or worse, Severus Snape, who coincidentally was our year 10 science teacher? But hey, we're going into year 12 soon, so we don't have to worry about that slimy prat." Draco cringed at the comparison to their former teacher. "Eww, definitely not Severus. Fine," he reluctantly agreed, rolling his eyes. "You can wash my hair, stupid."

With Draco leading the way, they made their way into the bathroom. Draco knelt in front of the bath, ready to go through the necessary steps of hair-washing. Harry, following closely behind, knew the routine all too well. He gently wet Draco's hair, massaging in the shampoo with loving care.

Once the task was completed, Draco wrapped his damp hair in a towel and quickly darted into his bedroom to retrieve his hairdryer. He swiftly plugged it in and began the process of blow-drying his hair, ensuring it would be soft and perfectly styled.

Harry leaned against the doorway, watching Draco intently. A fond smile tugged at his lips, appreciating the care and attention Draco paid to his appearance. As the warm air from the dryer tousled Draco's hair, Harry's heart swelled with a profound love for the person standing before him.

Once Draco's hair had dried, Harry approached him with a hairbrush in hand. Standing behind Draco, he gently began brushing out the knots, taking care to be as gentle as possible. However, despite his best efforts, there were a few tangles that required a little more force, causing Draco to wince.

With tears gathering in his eyes, Draco let out a small whimper. Sensing his boyfriend's discomfort, Harry leaned down and planted a soft kiss on the top of Draco's head, offering reassurance and comfort.

Finally, when Draco's hair was sorted, although not without some tears along the way, Harry lay down and extended his arms to invite Draco to join him. Draco accepted the invitation, lying down beside Harry and resting his head on Harry's chest.

With his fingers lightly tracing patterns on Harry's chest, Draco broke the silence. "Harry?" Draco called out, his voice filled with curiosity. "Hmm?" Harry responded, his heartbeat providing a steady rhythm beneath Draco's ear. "Are you working out? You have abs," Draco remarked, lifting Harry's top slightly to feel the defined muscles.

Harry chuckled, the vibration resonating against Draco's cheek. "Yeah, I've been hitting the gym a bit more lately," he admitted, a touch of pride evident in his voice. "Trying to stay in shape, you know." Draco smiled, tracing his fingers along the defined lines of Harry's abdomen. "I like it," he whispered, the affection clear in his voice and touch. "But remember, I love you for more than just your abs, Harry. It's everything about you." Harry's heart swelled with adoration for Draco

His fingers gently caressing Draco's back. "And I love every part of you too, Draco. Your strength, your vulnerability, your heart. All of it." They lay there, entwined in each other's arms, basking in the peaceful contentment that their love brought.

As their fingers continued to draw invisible patterns on each other's skin, they knew that their bond was not based on appearances but on the deep connection they shared.

In that moment, the outside world faded away, leaving only the gentle rise and fall of their chests and the unwavering love that surrounded them.

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