Footprints in the sand

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As the vibrant rays of the morning sun illuminated the room, Harry stirred from his slumber, his senses immediately drawn to a peculiar sight that rested on his pillow. A letter, bearing his name in handwritten script, caught his attention. He couldn't help but wonder who could have left it there, for it wasn't Draco's familiar penmanship that graced the envelope. Curiosity consumed him as he cast his gaze across the room, ensuring he was alone, then tentatively reached for the forbidden missive.

With a mix of trepidation and excitement, Harry ripped open the envelope, his heart racing as the heartfelt words unfolded before his eyes:

'To my dearest son, even if I cannot be there beside you, please know that you are always in my thoughts.

As you reach the milestone of turning 16, or perhaps you have already, there is something of immense significance that I must share with you. Guard this letter with utmost care, for it holds the key to unravelling a part of your past.

In my own youth, I experienced an extraordinary connection with an unexpected individual – none other than Regulus Black. Our love story was an anomaly, fraught with complications as we concealed our affection from your mother, Lily Potter. Love oftentimes carves its own path, and we braved many tempests along the way.

Coincidentally, your mother too embarked on her own journey at the tender age of 16. She found herself caught in the embrace of a profound romance with Narcissa Black, who is now known as Narcissa Malfoy. Life has an uncanny way of presenting us with surprises, does it not? I am compelled to share this revelation, for love is a vibrant tapestry that defies expectations and embraces acceptance.

Your mother and I cherished one another deeply, and our love for you is boundless. Understand that love surpasses all boundaries and limitations; its essence lies within the heart, not constrained by gender. Though I am unable to join you on this momentous day, always remember that my love for you transcends time and space.

May this letter serve as a perpetual reminder of the unyielding love that surrounds you, irrespective of your identity or whom you choose to love. Embrace your unique path and know that your parents, both your mother and I, will forever be filled with pride for you.

If ever questions arise or you yearn for further conversation, seek solace in the guidance of Regulus, Sirius, or Remus. Remember, I am here for you. You are never alone, Harry. Your mother and I will forever watch over you, providing unwavering support at every turn.

With all the love in my heart,

Your Dad x'

As the words seeped into the core of Harry's being, tears welled up in his eyes. Tenderly, he wiped them away, finding solace in the knowledge that his father's love had never faltered and would endure for eternity.

Harry emerged from his bedroom, clutching the letter close to his heart, as he made his way through the flat where his adoptive parents, Sirius and Remus, were seated together.

Remus sat up, adjusting his position between Sirius' legs.

Whilst Sirius wrapped his arms around his husband, offering comfort and support after a difficult full moon night. "Ah, Harry," Sirius greeted with a warm smile, his voice filled with affection. "We felt it was time to give you the letter before you turn 17 at the end of July." Remus nodded in agreement, looking at Harry with a soft expression. "Have you read it?" he asked gently, his concern evident. Harry nodded, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "Yes, I did. Nearly brought me to tears, Moony," he admitted, his voice laced with emotion. "I'm so grateful to have you both in my life. I love you guys."

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