Just a dream

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It was the 22nd of August, the dreaded day of GCSE results. Draco approached his school with heavy steps, knowing that only the former year 11 students were allowed inside to collect their grades.

As he entered the premises, he caught sight of his head of house, Miss Turner, and made his way towards the house queue. "Morning," Miss Turner greeted him with a soft smile. Draco replied in a barely audible voice, "Morning." The anxiety weighed heavily on his shoulders, prompting her to inquire, "Do you think you failed?" Draco could only nod, tears welling up in his eyes.

Miss Turner instinctively drew closer to him, offering a comforting embrace. "You're no longer a student here, so yes, I can hug you now," she assured him. Draco nodded appreciatively, feeling the warmth of her support. As Draco pulled away from his head of house, she handed him his results envelope.

She firmly grasped his hand and reassured him, "You've got this." Concern began to gnaw at Draco as he pondered the whereabouts of his boyfriend, Harry. "I don't know. I've tried calling him and messaging him, but no response," he confessed, growing increasingly anxious about his boyfriend's absence.

Twenty minutes passed, and Draco was still anxiously waiting for Harry at the school, but there was no sign of him. Despite numerous attempts to reach him, Harry remained unresponsive to calls and messages. Growing increasingly worried, Draco decided to check the Life 360 app, which revealed Harry's current location - the hospital. Immediately alarmed, Draco reached out to Sirius, Harry's father, hoping for answers.

The phone rang for a few tense moments before Sirius picked up. "Sirius, why is Harry in the hospital?" Draco's voice trembled with fear and concern, unable to hide the panic in his words. "Draco, cub, umm..." Sirius began, his voice laced with a mix of worry and uncertainty. "Sirius?!" Draco's voice rose in urgency, desperate for a clear explanation. "Draco, listen," Sirius responded gently, attempting to steady his own racing heart.

Sirius' voice calm, he explained to Draco, "Harry was involved in an accident. My brother, Regulus, was driving him to collect his GCSE results when something happened. They're both waiting for their CT scan results." Draco's breath caught in his throat, shock and fear washing over him.

The reality of the situation hit him with full force, causing his hands to tremble. "Is... is Harry okay? Will he be alright?" His voice cracked, tears welling up in his eyes. Sirius remained silent for a moment, his own emotions momentarily clouding his ability to respond. "We're doing everything we can, Draco. The doctors are working on him," he finally replied, his voice filled with equal parts worry and determination.

Numb with worry, Draco took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. Determined to offer his support, Draco made up his mind to reach the hospital as soon as possible.

Thirty minutes later, Draco rushed into the hospital, his heart pounding in his chest. He hurriedly made his way to the A&E reception, eyes scanning for any signs of Harry and Regulus.

A concerned receptionist observed Draco with a questioning look. "Are you okay?" she asked, noticing his distressed state. Gathering his shaky voice, Draco managed to inquire, "Umm... Is there a Regulus Black and Harry Potter on the ward?" His voice quivered with anticipation, fearing the worst. "They're not here. They left about 15 minutes ago," the receptionist replied, barely glancing up from her nail filing.

Draco's heart sank, a mix of relief and frustration coursing through his veins. He swiftly exited the hospital, and as he made his way to the car park, his eyes landed on Sirius' car.

Approaching the vehicle, Draco noticed Sirius winding down the window. Sitting in the front seat was Regulus and Harry in the backseat. Overwhelmed with relief, Draco couldn't hold back his emotions. "Harry," he uttered, climbing into the backseat next to him. Harry met his gaze, his eyes filled with worry and exhaustion. Without a second thought, Draco pulled him into a tight embrace, holding onto him as if he would never let go.

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