Power over Me

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As the sun rose on a new day, Draco roused from his bed at 8am. His lover, Harry, still slept soundly beside him. Draco quietly slipped out of the bedroom and made his way to the kitchen. Retrieving his favourite Disney mug and Harry's pumpkin coffee mug, Draco filled the kettle and prepared a cup of tea for himself and coffee for Harry.

Carrying the mugs with care, Draco made his way back to the bedroom. Pushing open the door, he set Harry's coffee on the bedside table before joining him on the bed. Gently stroking Harry's hair, Draco whispered, "Harry, it's morning." Harry stirred from his slumber with a contented murmur.

Opening his eyes, he smiled up at Draco. "Good morning," Harry greeted, his voice tinged with sleep. Returning the smile, Draco leaned in to brush Harry's messy dark brown hair from his eyes. "Morning, my love," he replied softly. The two shared a tender moment as they greeted the new day together. Harry sat up, reaching for his coffee mug on the bedside table.

Taking a sip, he savoured the taste and then looked at Draco. "Is there oat milk in my coffee?" Harry inquired. Draco nodded, curious as to the reason behind the question. "Why?" Draco asked. "No reason, come here," Harry replied, setting his mug aside and cupping Draco's face in his hands.

He leaned in and kissed Draco softly on the lips, a gesture filled with tenderness. Draco reciprocated the kiss, placing a hand on Harry's bicep.

As they pulled away, Harry proposed, "Breakfast or a cuddle first?" He gave Draco the choice between two enticing options. Draco considered for a moment before responding, "Hmm... cuddles first." He yawned softly, indicating his preference. "Then we can have breakfast," Draco added with a smile, content to start the day with a warm embrace from his fiancé.

Harry leaned against the headboard and held out his arms, inviting Draco in for a cuddle. However, Draco abruptly apologised and rushed out of bed, heading towards the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, he quickly made his way to the toilet and sat on the floor - a wave of nausea washing over him. From the bedroom, Harry could hear his fiancé coughing and knew that something was up.

As he waited outside the bathroom door, Harry heard the door unlock - signalling that Draco was done. Harry quickly got up and walked over to Draco, who had just finished being sick. "Darling, are you being sick?" Harry asked with concern, sitting down next to him.

Draco offered Harry a small, watery smile as he opened his eyes a crack. "Harry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry, I..." His voice broke on another sob. Harry gently interrupted, "Sweetheart, don't be sorry for getting sick. Come here."

Wrapping his arms around Draco, Harry pulled him into a comforting embrace. Draco laid his head on Harry's chest, feeling a little bit better. "I could tell you were slightly pale when we were laying in bed," Harry said, his voice gentle as he brushed Draco's hair out of his eyes. The couple stayed in this position for a while - Harry holding Draco tightly, offering comfort and reassurance.

Draco moved away from Harry's hug and sat back in front of the toilet, feeling weak and drained. Harry knelt beside him, rubbing Draco's back in slow circles to provide some comfort.

Draco retched into his hand, feeling the nausea taking over, and Harry quickly guided him over the toilet, holding his hair back. "Shh, get it all up," Harry encouraged, continuing to rub Draco's back in soothing circles. "I know you don't like it, but it's best to get whatever is in your system up. Let me get you some water." Harry got up and walked out of the bathroom, heading to the kitchen.

He filled Draco's water bottle, screwing the lid on tightly, and lifted the straw bit up. Carrying the bottle back to the bathroom, he approached Draco and handed it to him. "Drink your water, please," Harry said gently. Draco took the bottle from Harry's hand and placed it next to him, still feeling a bit queasy.

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