You are my sunshine

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As the new school day began, Draco headed towards the school while Harry approached from the opposite direction, a smile illuminating his face. Spotting his blonde boyfriend, Harry walked up to Draco and greeted him warmly. "Are you ready to do what we discussed last night?" he asked, his smile unwavering. Draco nodded, his nerves palpable. However, before Draco could say anything, Harry comfortingly wrapped an arm around his waist. "Just imagine," Harry playfully teased, "we'll soon be receiving the trip letters for our Paris adventure. Holding hands, stealing kisses in front of the magnificent Eiffel Tower." The teasing words were silenced as Draco sealed his own lips with a kiss.

Their public display of affection left the surrounding students stunned. Draco, with a slight smile on his face, withdrew from the kiss, and the two walked away as the year 7 students followed suit, entering the school building. "Well, that's certainly one way to come out and startle the year 7s," Harry jested, his hand now intertwined with Draco's.

As they entered the school, hand in hand, Evie and Alex, their close friends, rushed over to greet them. Their eyes widened in surprise. "You two? You're actually dating!" Evie exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. Draco and Harry exchanged a knowing smile before Draco spoke up. "Yes, we've been together for a while now, but I've always been too afraid to come out," he confessed.

The four of them decided to head upstairs to a quiet space on the second floor, where they often hung out. Since they had a science lesson scheduled for 8:45 am on that floor, it made practical sense to settle there. Harry found a seat and motioned for Draco to join them, but quickly realised that there were no more available chairs. Thinking on his feet, Harry grasped Draco by the hips and gently guided him onto his lap, making room for their friends to sit.

Draco blushed softly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and affection for Harry's quick thinking. Evie and Alex settled into their seats, grinning mischievously at the new seating arrangement. The atmosphere became lively as the group caught up on the latest gossip, laughter filling the air. In that moment, surrounded by friends who accepted and celebrated them, Draco and Harry knew they had made the right decision to embrace their love openly.

Draco found solace in leaning against Harry's comforting chest, feeling a sense of security in their embrace. Alex turned to them, his curiosity piqued. "So, you guys... why didn't you tell me, Harry? We've known each other since year 7," he inquired, a hint of disappointment lacing his words.

Harry sighed, his eyes filled with remorse. "I'm sorry, Alex. Draco just wasn't ready, and with everything that happened yesterday, with you having to help us with our bags and coats, it was all a bit overwhelming," he explained, understanding the frustration in Alex's voice.

Draco, sensing the tension, reached into his blazer pocket, retrieving his tangle fidget toy. Its presence served as a tactile distraction, soothing his racing ADHD mind.

Harry, noticing Draco's need for comfort, gently rubbed his back, providing a grounding touch. Evie chimed in, her voice filled with compassion. "You're really good for Draco, Harry. His last relationship... it was horrible," she shared, a hint of sadness evident in her tone. Draco glanced up at Evie, gratitude reflecting in his eyes. "She was... it wasn't good. It's one of the reasons I realised I had to make a shift from being bi to fully embracing my identity as gay," he answered, the weight of the past evident in his words.

Harry planted a soft kiss on Draco's head, his voice tender with reassurance. "Shh, don't think about her," he whispered, wanting to shield Draco from any lingering pain. The warmth of their affection surrounded them, reminding Draco that he was now in a healthier, more loving relationship. In this moment, amidst the support of their friends, Draco felt a renewed sense of hope and resilience.

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