A beautiful mess

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August 29th had arrived, and Draco sat on his bed at home, anxiously checking his emails to see if his college application had been successful. With a flicker of hope, he refreshed his inbox and spotted a new message from New City College - Tower Hamlets Campus. Nervously, he clicked on the email to open its contents.

The words stared back at him:

'Dear Draco Malfoy,

I hope this email finds you well. I would like to give you an update regarding your application for the Level 2 Health and Social Care course at New City College - Tower Hamlets Campus. Regrettably, after careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.

Though this news may be disheartening, please know that the admissions team genuinely appreciated your interest and dedication. Should you have any queries or would like feedback on your application, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your interest in New City College - Tower Hamlets Campus, and we wish you the best of luck with your academic and professional endeavours.

Warmest regards,

Emma Jackson,

Careers Leader, New City College London.'

As Draco absorbed the message, his heart felt heavy. The realisation that he and Harry would not be able to attend the same college, opting for different courses, dampened his spirits.

Draco, unable to contain his frustration, stormed out of his bedroom and descended the stairs to where his mother, Narcissa, sat engrossed in her laptop.

She glanced up at the sound of his steps, concern etching her features. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Narcissa gently inquired, reaching out a hand towards Draco.

He wordlessly handed her his phone, his eyes filled with disappointment. Narcissa's eyes glided over the email, absorbing its contents. "Oh sweetie," she sighed sympathetically, her voice laced with empathy. "There's still time to apply, isn't there?" she offered, hoping to provide a glimmer of hope for her son.

But Draco, his frustration bubbling over, shook his head vehemently. "There's no time!" he snapped, his tone laced with bitterness. "Harry's going to be studying History, while I'm stuck here!" His words resonated with raw bitterness, as he unleashed his frustrations onto his mother. "Mum!" Draco continued, his frustration mounting with each word. "There is no point! It's too late for me to change anything now." He slumped onto the couch, feeling defeated and trapped in his own dissatisfaction.

Overwhelmed by his frustrations, Draco abruptly stood up, leaving his phone abandoned on the sofa. He dashed through the hallway and up the stairs, his footsteps echoing through the house.

Just as he reached his bedroom, Lucius emerged from his and Narcissa's room, their concern deepening at Draco's hasty retreat. "Draco, what's wrong?" Lucius called out, his voice heavy with worry. Meanwhile, Narcissa followed closely behind, her footsteps light but anxiety evident on her face.

With concern etched into her voice, she arrived upstairs and held out Draco's phone, trying to catch his attention. "Darling, come here, please," Narcissa beckoned softly, her eyes searching his face for a glimmer of comfort. "You've received a college offer. London School of Musical Theatre?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity and a hint of hope. Draco's eyes widened as he took his phone from his mother's hands and glanced at the new email.

Tears welled up in his eyes, mirroring a mixture of surprise, joy, and relief. "M-Mum, you know what this means, right?" he stammered, unable to contain his excitement. Taking a deep breath, Draco continued, "I applied here because I've always dreamed of being in Musical Theatre. This is everything I've hoped for." A sense of wonder and possibility filled his voice, as he contemplated the possibilities that lay before him.

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