It's time

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On a brisk Saturday morning, Draco embarked on his journey to Harry's residence. After disembarking from the bus, he surveyed the surroundings until his eyes landed on the familiar road sign indicating "Cable Street." Determined, Draco made his way down the road until he spotted Harry's front door. With purposeful strides, he approached the gate and entered the premises where Sirius and Remus also resided. He pressed the doorbell, but to his dismay, there was no response. Frustrated, Draco took a step back and glanced up at Harry's darkened window.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Draco reluctantly turned away from the house just as a car pulled up on the road. It was Regulus, accompanied by Harry. As Harry approached his boyfriend, he greeted him with a warm "Hey you. I just need to gather a few things before visiting my grandparents." Draco met Harry's gaze but decided to distance himself. "So, I came all this way for nothing!" he hissed, quickly advancing towards Harry.

Sensing Draco's potentially manic state due to his Bipolar Disorder, Regulus swiftly intervened, firmly grasping Draco's arms. "Harry, go grab your belongings. I'll handle him," Regulus instructed, handing Harry the keys.

As Draco forcefully broke free from Regulus' grasp, he lunged at Harry, who had managed to retreat inside and lock the front door. Meanwhile, Regulus remained in the car, quickly dialling Narcissa's number. Concern dripping from his voice, he explained the situation to Draco's mother. "Regulus? What's going on?" came Narcissa's worried inquiry. "It's Draco. He's currently in the midst of a severe manic episode. He attempted to strike Harry and is now relentlessly pounding on Sirius and Remus' front door, all while crying and screaming," Regulus conveyed urgently.

Anxiety filling her voice, Narcissa responded, "Oh God, I'll be on my way. He must have forgotten to take his medication this morning; I can see the pills still lying on the kitchen table along with his bottle of water." Narcissa added the crucial detail before promising to stay with Draco until Regulus arrived. The call ended, and Regulus approached the devastated figure of Draco, who sat on the floor, tears streaming down his face and tormented screams still escaping from his mouth.

Taking a seat beside Draco, Regulus firmly clasped his hand. "Your mum is on her way," he assured him gently. Draco nodded, acknowledging the presence of someone who cared for him deeply.

Twenty minutes passed, but Draco showed no signs of calming down. Harry, overwhelmed with fear, hesitated to venture outside of the house. Just then, Narcissa's car pulled up, and she swiftly exited the vehicle, rushing towards her distressed son. As Draco pushed her back into the brick wall, Narcissa collected herself and approached him once again. Gently cupping his face in her hands, she whispered, "Honey, it's just me. It's mum." Gradually, Draco began to relax, slowly recognizing his mother's soothing presence.

Meanwhile, Regulus opened the front door, revealing a teary-eyed and scared Harry sitting on the stairs. Rushing over, Regulus enveloped Harry in a comforting hug, assuring him, "Harry, he's okay." Taking solace in Regulus' words, Harry stepped outside to join Draco, who was now sitting with his mum.

Kneeling down, Harry approached Draco, who remained curled up tightly, and silently slid closer to him. Before long, Draco rose from his seated position and walked over to his mum's car, promptly climbing into the passenger seat and curling up tightly, seeking comfort and solace in the confines of the vehicle.

Narcissa settled into the car next to her sleeping son, ensuring that he was safely buckled in. Winding down the window, she called out to Regulus and Harry, beckoning them over. Harry, still wearing a mix of concern and understanding on his face, approached Narcissa cautiously.

With a gentle yet firm tone, Narcissa began, "Harry, come here." As Harry stood before her, she looked into his eyes. "He doesn't mean it when he lashes out like that," she reassured him. "He can't help it. He's not mad at you. Sometimes, he can see things that we cannot." Harry nodded, absorbing Narcissa's words, a newfound empathy for Draco blossoming within him. "Is he asleep?" Harry inquired, his voice filled with tenderness. Narcissa nodded in response.

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