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The day dawned anew, Harry roused from his slumber by a forceful pounding on the front door. Stirring beside him, Draco groggily inquired, "Who could that be?" Glancing around Draco's bedroom, Harry replied, "I'm not sure. Let me go check downstairs." Stepping out of his lover's embrace, Harry made his way downstairs and soon realised it was none other than Draco's closest companion, Luna.

A peculiar sadness seemed to have overtaken her, evident in her tear-stained face. Inviting Luna inside, Harry called out to Draco, "Draco, my love! Please come here!" Upon hearing his name, Draco swiftly abandoned his bed and descended the stairs. Reaching the bottom, Draco was confronted by the sight of his dearest friend, Luna, now seated on the sofa.

Hastening to her side, he enveloped her in a comforting embrace. "I'm here for you. Please, tell me what happened," Draco whispered gently, his concern evident. Luna's tearful voice quivered as she spilled her words, "Pansy... She threw me out of her place. I have nowhere else to go." Understanding the agony of heartbreak that Luna was enduring, Draco simply held her tightly, offering solace and assurance that she was not alone.

Luna gazed up at Draco with hopeful eyes, her voice quivering, "Can I stay here, please?" Tears welled up in her eyes once again, awaiting Draco's reply. Draco glanced at Harry, a silent request in his eyes. "Get my phone, I'll confirm it with my parents," Draco instructed, urging Harry to fetch his phone. With a nod, Harry ascended the stairs to retrieve Draco's device and returned downstairs, handing it over to his boyfriend.

Draco swiftly unlocked his phone and dialled his mother, Narcissa, who greeted him with a warm "Morning." Narcissa greeted, "Mum, I wanted to ask... Can Luna live with us for now? Pansy broke up with her and kicked her out. She doesn't have the means to return to her parents in Hackney," Draco explained, his voice laced with concern. "Of course, she can. The spare bedroom is already prepared with a bed and everything. That can be her room until she's able to sort things out," Narcissa replied empathetically. Draco shifted his gaze to Luna, who had now curled up on the sofa, half-asleep.

Harry approached with a blanket, carefully draping it over Luna as she reached out for Draco's hand. Luna's own phone began to ring, and she swiftly silenced it, turning it face down.

Draco's heart swelled with gratitude for the unconditional love and support of his family. He knelt down beside Luna, gently stroking her hair, "You're welcome to stay here with us, Luna. As long as you need, we're here for you," he whispered, his voice filled with compassion. Luna's tear-stained face relaxed into a small smile, a glimmer of hope shining through the pain.

Luna's soft, steady breathing filled the room, signalling her deep slumber on the sofa. Draco slowly rose from the floor, tenderly lifting her head before carefully gathering her in his arms. "Help me carry her upstairs to the spare bedroom," Draco quietly instructed, his voice filled with concern. Harry nodded in understanding and joined Draco in lifting Luna's sleeping form as they made their way upstairs to the spare room adjacent to Draco's.

Gently, Draco laid Luna down on the bed, ensuring she was comfortable before sitting beside her. He delicately pulled the covers over her, tucking her in with a sense of protectiveness. After a moment, Draco quietly slipped out of the room, making his way into his own bedroom next door. He settled into his bed, laying on his back, his thoughts swirling with a mixture of worry and love.

A few minutes later, Harry entered the room, having finished his bathroom routine, and joined Draco in bed. He wrapped an arm around Draco, pulling him close. "Talk to me. If you don't tell me how you feel, I don't know what to do here," Harry tenderly implored, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Draco took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. "It's just... I..." he began hesitantly, struggling to find the right words.

Sensing Draco's hesitation, Harry whispered softly, "My sweet?" Draco looked into Harry's caring eyes, a mixture of emotions washing over him. "It's nothing," Draco replied, attempting to brush off his inner turmoil.

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