Never Satisfied

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In the approaching month of May, exam season loomed over the year 11 students as they prepared for their GCSEs. Amongst them was Draco, eagerly waiting in the sports hall alongside his fellow classmates. Grace, also known as Miss Chambers, his most cherished support teacher, approached him and knelt down before him. "To provide you with ample space, we will hold your exam upstairs in the Student Support Centre," she whispered gently. Draco nodded, rising to his feet and exiting the hall while Grace fetched the Religious Studies Paper 1.

Soon, Draco ascended the stairs, finding himself in the serene ambiance of the Student Support Centre. As he entered one of the study rooms, he noticed its emptiness and settled down at a table, taking a seat.

After retrieving Draco's exam paper, Grace made her way upstairs to the Student Support Centre. She opened the door to find Draco sprawled on the floor, having fallen out of his chair and struggling to get up.

Worried, Grace quickly placed the exam paper on the table and rushed to his side. "Goodness, are you alright?" she asked, extending a helping hand to lift him back onto the chair. Feeling concerned about Draco's well-being, Grace decided to step out of the room and headed towards the staff office. She swiftly returned with a bottle of water from the fridge, placing it in front of Draco. "Have a few sips of that. Is everything okay at home?" she inquired, hoping to understand the root cause of Draco's distress. Draco nodded weakly, not feeling up to completing his exam paper.

Frustrated and overwhelmed, he carelessly pushed the exam paper onto the floor. Grace, adopting a serious tone, gently admonished him, "Draco, you can't throw away your exam. It's important." She picked up the paper from the floor, holding it firmly in her hands.

Grateful for Grace's understanding, Draco gently took the exam paper from her hand. "I'll do the exam, but the thunder is distracting," he murmured softly. "I'm sorry for being snappy earlier. I just had a rough night and didn't sleep well," he added, expressing his apology.

Kneeling down in front of Draco, Grace looked into his tired eyes and reassured him, "It's okay, Draco. I can see that you're exhausted. How about after this exam, I'll call one of your parents to come and pick you up?" she suggested, offering a supportive solution. Draco nodded appreciatively, feeling a sense of relief. He retrieved his pencil case from his bag, taking out a black pen, only to discover that Harry had mischievously sneaked in his vape. Shaking his head with a chuckle, Draco zipped the pencil case back up and placed it in his bag.

With determination in his eyes, Draco unfolded the exam paper and prepared himself to begin. Sensing his nerves, Grace offered words of encouragement, saying, "Good luck, Draco. I have set a timer on my phone for 1 hour and 45 minutes. If you need me, just knock on the wall." Her tone conveyed a sense of positivity and support, uplifting Draco's spirits as he embarked on his exam.

As the timer on Grace's phone beeped, indicating the end of the exam, Draco finished the last question with just five minutes to spare. Eager to relay his completion, he knocked on the wall to signal Grace. Hearing the knock, Grace walked over to Draco. "Finished?" she inquired. Draco nodded quietly, his gaze briefly shifting down to his wrists before hastily hiding his arm behind his back.

Sensing his discomfort, Grace's concern grew, but she decided to give him some space. "For now, you can either use the computer or I can phone a parent to come and pick you up. Whatever you feel comfortable doing," she offered. Draco hesitated for a moment, contemplating his options.

His voice barely above a whisper, he finally responded, "Umm... Can you ring my dad? B-But not now..." His request revealed that he needed more time to compose himself, indicating a deeper emotional struggle. Understanding Draco's need for privacy, Grace nodded compassionately. "Of course, Draco. Take your time," she reassured him before quietly leaving the room. She wanted to ensure Draco felt supported and respected in his vulnerability.

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