Oh Well

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On a fresh morning, Draco found himself lounging on the living room couch, his legs pulled towards his chest, a laptop perched on his thighs. Just as he was immersed in his own world, Lucius, Draco's father, emerged and caught sight of his son's relaxed state. "Draco, my dear," Lucius began, his voice tinged with concern. "Your mother and I have something important to discuss with you. I've stumbled upon certain information that requires a family conversation." He paused momentarily before adding, "If it concerns the past, particularly the circumstances with Mum and Lily, I can leave..." Draco's heart raced, anxiety coursing through his veins.

He knew that Regulus should never have opened his mouth about it. Lucius settled onto the sofa and gently took hold of Draco's laptop, prompting his son to sit up and face him. "What is it, dad?" Draco retorted, his tone sharp and defensive. Meanwhile, Narcissa entered the room, her expression revealing that Draco may have already grasped the situation.

She sat down beside him, reaching for his hand. "Darling," she began, her voice filled with sorrow, "your father and I might have to take some time apart..." "What?..." Draco uttered, his heart shattering into a million pieces. Without wasting a second, he rose from the couch and ascended the stairs towards his bedroom, determined to gather his backpack.

Fifteen minutes had passed, and Draco descended the stairs, his bag clutched tightly in his hand, ready to seek solace at Harry's place. He descended further, only to witness his parents engaged in a conversation.

Narcissa emerged from the living room, her eyes searching for Draco. "Darling, where are you going?" she asked her son, concern etched on her face. "Mum, I can't bear to stay here while you and Dad argue," Draco replied, his voice trembling with emotion. Moved by her son's distress, Narcissa pulled him into a tight embrace. "Stay here, my love. I'll call Sirius and Remus to bring Harry over, so he can spend some time here. And I'll personally have a talk with Regulus," she reassured him.

Draco returned the embrace, squeezing his mother tightly. "Regulus should think before he speaks, Mum," he said, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "But I'll go and find some peace in my bedroom. Thank you. Can you bring my laptop up there?" Narcissa nodded, wiping away a stray tear from her own eye. "Of course, darling. Go and relax; I'll make sure everything is taken care of. Do you want anything to eat?" Draco shook his head, a semblance of a smile on his face. "I'm okay, Mum. Thank you for your love and understanding."

With one final squeeze, Draco made his way back up the stairs, leaving his parents to sort out their own complications.

Away from the cacophony of the outside world, Draco entered his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Walking over to his bed, he slipped beneath the soft, dark green covers, finding solace in the comforting ambiance of his personal sanctuary. With a quick glance around the room, he observed the aesthetic that resonated with his soul – a perfect fusion of his own style and the whimsical charm of cottagecore.

As he settled into bed, Draco's mother, Narcissa, made her way upstairs, holding his laptop. She sat down beside him and gently stroked his hair, her touch brimming with tenderness and understanding. "Oh, sweetheart," she whispered, her voice resonating with empathy. "I know you can't stand your father and me arguing." Sensing his discomfort, Draco instinctively grabbed the ear defenders he kept within reach.

As a result of his ADHD, these ear defenders offered him a reprieve from the overwhelming world. Deconstructing them, he carefully placed the noise-cancelling components over his ears, effectively shielding himself from any outside disturbances. Now cocooned in a realm of tranquillity, Draco reclined, immersing himself further under the covers, his head hidden from view.

Narcissa respected her son's need for silence and retreated to a corner of the room, allowing him the space he craved. She admired his resilience and understood the importance of creating a sense of calm for him. In her presence, Draco could find solace, even in the midst of the turmoil that surrounded their family.

Together, they persevered, each finding their own ways to overcome the challenges that plagued them. As the silence enveloped Draco's room, he closed his eyes, gradually surrendering to the tranquillity, knowing that his mother's love served as a beacon of support and comfort, guiding him through even the darkest of days.

As the afternoon light filtered into the room, casting a warm glow, Narcissa made her way upstairs, her footsteps gentle and measured. As she entered Draco's bedroom, a soft smile graced her lips at the sight before her – her son curled up in slumber, with the gentle hum of "It's A Sin" episode 4 playing in the background on his laptop.

Quietly, Narcissa approached the bed, careful not to disturb Draco's peaceful rest. She reached over and gently turned off the laptop, closing it with a soft click. Moving across the room, she delicately placed the laptop on his desk, organising it with meticulous care. Returning to the bed, Narcissa settled herself beside her sleeping son.

With a tender touch, she began to stroke his hair, her fingers gliding through the soft strands. She continued, slowly caressing his arm, her touch imbued with warmth and affection.

Draco stirred slightly, sensing the familiar presence beside him. Instinctively, he turned around, his eyes fluttering open. Recognizing the comforting scent of Dove Body Spray and Moschino Teddy Bear women's perfume, his senses grounded him to the reality that his mother was with him. Finding solace in her familiar embrace, Draco nestled his head on her shoulder, feeling the weight of his worries lift away.

As his mother continued to stroke his arm, Draco's body relaxed, and he succumbed once again to the soothing embrace of sleep. Nestled against his mother's shoulder, the rhythmic rise and fall of her breathing lulled him into a peaceful slumber. Comforted by her presence and the gentle reassurance of her words, Draco drifted into a realm where worries dissolved and dreams took flight.

They would always be there for one another, offering love, understanding, and a sanctuary in which they could find respite from the storms of life.

At 6pm, Draco made his way downstairs, the enticing aroma of dinner filling the air. As he entered the kitchen, his mother Narcissa greeted him with a warm smile. "Darling, is fish fingers okay?" she asked, to which Draco nodded in agreement.

Curiosity piqued, Draco inquired about his dinner accompaniments. "What am I having with fish fingers?" he softly inquired. Narcissa responded, "Potato wedges and carrots, is that okay?" Draco nodded, his tired eyes betraying his exhaustion. "Sounds like an early night for you tonight, love," a voice chimed in. Startled, Draco turned around to see Harry walking into the kitchen.

A genuine smile illuminated Draco's face as he walked over, embracing his boyfriend tightly. Harry reciprocated the hug, lifting Draco off his feet momentarily. Carrying Draco in his arms, Harry carefully set him down at the kitchen table while issuing a playful command. "Stay there." Draco couldn't resist a mischievous moment.

In a swift act, he picked up a spoon from the nearby utensil holder, placing it against his pouting lips. His playful nature took over, and he balanced the spoon on his upper lip with ease. The distraction came almost instantly, a product of his ADHD, as he found himself captivated by the odd spectacle he had created.

Unbeknownst to Draco, Harry had turned away momentarily, his back facing him. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Draco stuck out his tongue, embracing the playful essence of their relationship. The mischievous gesture was like a silent secret between them, a way for Draco to express his affection and lighten the mood.

Caught up in their playful banter, Draco's exhaustion momentarily forgotten, the air in the kitchen filled with a lighthearted atmosphere that blended effortlessly with the tantalising scents wafting through the room. Amidst the challenges they faced, moments like these served as reminders that love and laughter could effortlessly fill the spaces between them.

Unspoken DesiresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora