Never Tear Us Apart

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A week had passed since Draco and Harry had moved into their new home. Draco had finally started feeling at ease and settled. He walked into the kitchen where Harry was busy putting away the groceries.

Draco approached Harry, feeling a surge of excitement, and playfully jumped onto his back. "Darling?" Harry said, closing the fridge and lifting Draco up, holding onto his thighs. He playfully twirled Draco in a circle, teasingly remarking, "Well, well, look at this surprise." Draco smiled and kissed Harry's cheek.

Draco then reached up, his hands running through Harry's tousled dark brown hair, playfully messing it up. "Yeah, I was just organising our bedroom. I only have one more box in the car to bring in, and then I'll be all settled," Draco explained. Harry nodded in understanding. "Alright, love. Are you feeling hungry? I can prepare something for us," Harry offered. Draco's face lit up with anticipation. "Yes, please. How about some chicken nuggets? They always hit the spot," Draco requested, craving his comforting go-to dish.

Harry gently lowered Draco onto the floor and then swiftly lifted him up onto the kitchen counter. Draco grinned, swinging his legs back and forth as Harry resumed his task of organising the groceries. Draco couldn't help but gaze at Harry with an adoring smile.

As Harry closed the freezer, he walked over to Draco, his eyes filled with affection. "Just one more thing to do, love, and then we can cuddle for as long as you want," Harry promised, his voice filled with warmth. He leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to Draco's forehead. Draco's heart melted at Harry's suggestion of a cosy cuddle session soon to come.

Draco couldn't wait to snuggle up in Harry's arms, feeling the warmth and comfort that only Harry could provide. They had been through so much together, and now, in the tranquillity of their new home, they could finally relax and enjoy each other's company.

An hour had passed, and Draco found himself comfortably seated on the sofa. Harry entered the living room, settling down next to his fiancé. Tenderly, Harry lifted Draco's legs and placed them on his own lap. Draco smiled and shifted to lay his head on Harry's lap, feeling a sense of utter contentment.

Harry's fingers delicately caressed Draco's hair, lulling him into a state of tranquillity. "Feeling sleepy, angel?" Harry softly inquired. Draco nodded, his eyes still closed. "Sit up, my love. Let me lie down," Harry gently suggested. Draco, still partially asleep, nodded again, and slowly sat up.

Harry positioned himself on the sofa, lying on his back with a cushion supporting his head. "Go and fetch your blanket from our bedroom, sweetheart," Harry whispered affectionately. Draco obediently got up, walking off to their shared bedroom to retrieve the cherished blanket he always slept with. He returned to the living room, blanket in hand, and laid on top of Harry, still clutching his cherished possession.

Harry pulled the blanket over Draco, ensuring his comfort, and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "Just rest now, sweetheart," Harry soothingly murmured, continuing to stroke Draco's hair with tenderness. Draco nestled closer to him, finding solace and security within Harry's embrace.

Draco closed his weary eyes as Harry tenderly wrapped his arms around him. In the embrace of darkness, Harry reached over and turned off the living room lamp, allowing the room to be bathed in a soothing tranquillity. He held Draco tightly, refusing to let go, offering a sense of security and comfort to his beloved.

As Draco stirred on the sofa, Harry ran his fingers down his back, arousing a gentle shiver. "Do you want to get in your pyjamas?" Harry asked, concern lacing his voice. Draco nodded sleepily, slowly getting up from the sofa. He made his way through the bungalow to their bedroom, where he changed into his cosy pyjamas. Once dressed, Draco made his way back to the living room, rubbing his eyes as he gazed at Harry.

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