Chapter Forty Five

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Q: Is anybody going to the OTRA concert on September 1st in Philadelphia? If so, contact me and maybe we can meet and take pictures and hug each other and gossip and be best fraaanssss!!!

Also search up, The Hills by The Weeknd (Stooki Sound Remix) because I'm obsessed and it just goes well with jealous/dark Harry, oh goodness.

Hey, cheese-puffs! I need your opinions on my authors note at the end of this chapter! Teehee

Carter's Point of View

A few days later, I woke up on an empty mattress. I stretched and slowly got out of bed. The house was quiet. Usually when the sun is up, you'd hear Niall shouting downstairs, the sound of pots and pans or bacon sizzling. I crept to the bottom of the stairs and noticed nobody in the living room.

I moved toward the backyard, where sure enough, all the boys stood shirtless. They were chopping wood and complaining about the sun burning their skin.

"Wish you chose to take us to fucking Alaska," I heard Niall mumble as I stepped outside. Harry was the first to notice me.

"Hey, darling." He stopped chopping wood and walked over to me. I couldn't help but gaze as his toned body; I seriously could not help it. There were scars littered on his sides, prominent tattoos everywhere, a silver necklace dangling from his neck. When I glanced up to look him in the eye, I noticed the smirk. I quickly looked away and blushed.

"Hey, Harry," I mumbled. "What're you guys using the wood for?"

"Gonna trade em for better wood and build a damn shed," Niall answered.

"Do you need help?"

"What I need is lemonade. Stat." He answered again.

"Niall, quit yappin' would you?" Liam bit back.

"I'll go get you guys lemonade," I responded, leaning in to kiss Harry on the cheek before going inside. I hummed to myself as I opened the fridge and searched for the jug of lemonade. When I found no sight of it, I sighed and poured them water instead. Niall's probably going to be cranky all day.

"I wanted lemonade," He whined once I set the tray of glasses on the porch steps.

"We're out."

"I wonder why," I heard him mumble sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and sat on the steps, watching as they all took a glass. They finished in two gulps, putting the cups back down before continuing what they were doing.

"You don't have to stay outside in this heat, darling," Harry spoke up after a couple minutes of silence.

"I-I just don't like being in the house alone sometimes," I nervously responded, fiddling with my fingers. I could tell he wanted to ask why, but refrained from doing so because he didn't want to have this talk with the boys around. I would feel uncomfortable talking about it in general anyway. They resumed back to being quiet as they chopped wood. I sat by myself, this odd feeling forming in the pit of my stomach.

I passed it off as a wave of nausea and tried to get my mind away from possibly vomiting or fainting. No matter how hard I tried, it kept getting worse.

"Baby, you don't look ok, go inside and lay down on the couch. I'll be right in," Harry spoke sternly. At this point, I just wanted the nausea to go away.

"O-Ok." I slowly stood up, careful not to trip over the steps.

"What's her problem?"

"She ok?"

I ignored the voices and slipped inside the chilly house, trudging toward the couch. I plopped down and let my body lay limp. What's wrong with me? I let out a small whine when pain started growing in my stomach.

"What's wrong?" Harry immediately asked as soon as he knelt beside the couch.

"I don't know, I just really don't feel good," I spoke, panting as the pain diminished and then quickly returned.

"Fuck," He cursed, sensing my discomfort. "Where are you hurting?"

"M-My stomach," I whispered, trying to catch my breath. I closed my eyes tight and clenched my fists. I felt my shirt lift above my belly button and then another string of curses fell from his mouth.

"Shit, shit, shit."

"What's going on-whoa."

"Get the first aid kit!" Harry ordered to whoever was in the room.

"What? W-Why?" I asked, nervously. I desperately tried to search for his hand as I read his expression. He looked nervous and worried. "Harry, please tell me."

The first aid kit was suddenly in his blurry hands and he was quickly peeling it open.

"You'll be ok, babe. You're ok, nothing to worry about. You're alright."

Just tell me! I was growing sick and dizzy. I hadn't even noticed I was crying until I let out a loud sob. With all the strength left in me, I lifted my heavy head and glanced down. The pain was deteriorating by the time I caught a glimpse of the big, round and red bruise covering my stomach.

My eyes shifted over to Harry cleaning up a red gash just above my left hipbone. When he pulled away, he stared at the bruise in fear. Just like that, I was knocked out cold. A deep, dark hole consuming me and my unconscious body.

Author's Note -

Oh goodness gracious, I'm a terrible procrastinator. I don't deserve you guys !*cries in a corner* :(


How would you like it to end? (not saying it's coming to an end, peeps:)

• Harry gets her pregnant and the birth of their newborn baby protects their growing family?

• Or naw - and something else? :O

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