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Hey guys so this is my therian diary which is going to have about my day and my shifts and so on so I hope you enjoy resding and snooping about my life ^^.

Well today has been fun. I started my day going to the cinema and seeing Jurassic World which is a very good film! (Go and watch it!!) It was just annoying with the loud sounds as they would make my phantom ears twitch and hurt and make me have to cover them to block the deafening sounds. (Yay super hearer). After the pictures and being bored to death (it wasn't the movie I'm just really rubbish with watching movies xD) I went out of the building into the really bright world outside. It seriously felt like my eyes were burning out, guess that's what I get for staying in the dark for so long. It was super annoying as well because without my wolf ear beanie I felt lost like something were missing..

When I got home I was really happy to have gotten my new tail ^^. It was handmade by my mum with some fabric and thread but I love it even if it was a little small. My mum said it's for my school bag and even if she doesn't know I'm a therian I still wear it around the house in my bedroom when shes not there ^^. Im not sure.. they just give me a feeling of happiness and calm in myself and its just nice to have something there.  Ill post a picture of my tail in this chapter.

Well back to the cinema and when we started looking round town I started feeling wolf like but I couldn't tell why. I just felt different and started seeing the world like it was weird or something idk its hard to explain.. at least I bought a blink 182 album and gave my nannan a shock when I started playing happy birthday, you bastard. Ah good life ^^.

Therian Diary (coywolf)Where stories live. Discover now