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Hey so I finially did it!! I finially told my mum and my therianthropy and I want to share what happened because it's very important to me.

So it started when she was talking about spiritual stuff and like them people who can see past lives and stuff and because I knew something about it I had this huge smile on my face and she was wondering what was wrong so she kept on asking me but when she could tell it was going to take me a while she accepted that she'll have to wait till I was ready to tell her.

As I didn't want her anxiety to start playing up from worrying I basically started off by saying I have memories and visions from a past life and then told her that my vision was of seeing a shrubland even before I knew what they were or what they look like. I also told her about my other vision I found when I was walking through a field where in the distance where my third eye opened for me randomly and I had a memory of running and playing in tall grass with possibly my mate.

After this she seemed intrigued and accepting of me so I told her all the small stuff like my theriotype, about shifts and about meditation and so on. She said she accepted me and that if I ever needed to talk to her I could talk to her so thats good.

She also said that shes going to have word with her friend who is really spiritual and runs a meditation class and things to talk to about it too because she feels she might be good to talk to because she's pyschic and can see and hear things. Mainly the dead.

So yeah I'm happy that I finially came out to her and I wonder where it will go from here.

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