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Hey so I guess my depression came back today. I'm typically alright and never get it and I'm usually happy but I had a crappy day. It just hits me a lot more than it used to, I think it's due to me getting better and so I'm not used to it as much.

I dont know why though but when I was sad when I touched my tail on my backpack it just made me feel a lot less numb and happy I'm not sure why.. just thought I'd bring it up.

Also due to myself being pretty scared of what people will say I've been hiding my tail from certian peers a lot. Like as it's on my back I tend to face them so they can't see it and quickly sling it under my desk. I'm just scared they'll make fun and stuff.

I'm also really getting fed up of these few people on my bus. For the past few weeks I've been wearing my choker/collar on the bus (I'll put a pic on chapter) and they've been making fun and calling me a dog -.- I think im going to not have my tail anymore on the bus because it'll just add to it and make it worst. Seriously people can't be themselves anymore without being judged -.- im gonna keep wearing my collar though.

I didnt m shift today sadly :(

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