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Damn I haven't uploaded for a while. Sorry about that, literally nothing is happening in my therian life as my shifts have basically stopped all together and iTS FREAKING KILLIN MEEE!!! anyone have any tips for shifting. I need them desperately ;-;.

Also it turns out I might have a headmate. They're basically a bit like having second conscious in yourself but unlike otherkin, its more like you dont identify as them they're a second entity which is inside you. (Its hard to explain.) I was talking to someone who had like 120 and counting and because they can talk to you and stuff they were saying how they came from a mother world and made a portal and ended up landing into his body. Sadly the portals still there so after two years theres like over 100 and counting xD.

But yeah my headmate is more of a trickster or a demon which sucks :/ happily I haven't felt him take over my mind for a while.

But yeah im getting ready for school and im seeing my friend whos a theriannnn! Im so happy I know one irl x3. Well thats all for now byee!!

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