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Im back from holiday woo x3 so as planned imma do like a therian about me thingy.. lets see how this goes ^^

What is your theriotype?

I'm not sure atm :/ although I have an idea and I know its a canine and most likely down the coyote route. I'm almost certian its a coywolf but it sucks trying to work things out when you find it nearly impossible to meditate -.-

Tell us about your theriotype

I literally know nothing xD well I have a feeling their name is Aiko but that's it. I also have a feeling of them being a male just because of how I feel when im in that mindset but that boyish feel could just be animalistic energy :/. Idk how old they are or anything x3 all I kinda know is that they're a tanny brown and pretty slim yet bushy.

Awakening process?

Okay this is a bad one for me and many people judge me on what happened but I'll tell you anyway. So I haven't experienced shifts or connections all my life. I mean looking back I have small connections which I can pinpoint but not mega like the fascination of open grassy places, canines and a few other things which I won't go over but basically one day after remembering how I acted like a child and played pretend I decided to have a lil fun and pretend to be a wolf. Now before you judge let me continue. So basically then after a day or so I got bored but I started noticing I sometimes acted a lil animalish off command and out of instinct and I started noticing phantom ears on my head which I couldn't move on my own but perked up when I heard a noise. Desperately I googled online about how I felt and after a few hours of research I found therianthropy. After I found that it was like a switch clicked and for a couple of months after I was heavily shifting every day. My shifts have cooled down now although parts are in my personality and I do them whenever I'm shifted or not.

How long did it take you to find who you were?

A few months and still searching

Meditation stories?

Well although I can't meditate well if I do visualise something its mainly me running through grassland, seeing and feeling my big rounded ears and just me howling but yeah.. that's it. The weird thing is their mainly in the day tho :/

Dream stories?

I don't really believe in dream shifts but ill talk anyway. Ive had dreams where ive mentally shifted in dreams but that's it. Sooo I cant really say anything here..

I dont believe in dream shifts because I believe your dreams are based off what you fill your mind with daily so if you think about wolves your mainly gonna see wolves even if that isn't your theriotype. Although I believe in the small stuff.

Any visions?

I have a vision in my head of a grassland filled with bushes of orange,red and yellow but it looks pretty dry and stuff. I even knew what a shrubland looked like before I saw one or knew what they were.

Know any other therians irl?

Nope sadly :( although I believe my friend might be one but idk how to ask her because im awkward xD. I believe it because she seems it love animals to a connection point and tends to do inhuman stuff (play fighting her dog and literally nipping him on the ear)

I can't think of any more questions sooooo byee!!!

P.S. I bought that thing im making into a collar xD im happy now although im scared the person making it for me will judge me

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