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Hey guys! I haven't been making entries a lot because I seriously have nothing interesting happening in my life xD

So some things what are happening is that im meeting my demonkin friend irl which im kinda nervous but excited about. Like I've skyped him and everything but idk im a lil paranoid he may hurt me or something so I may bring some spray to protect myself if I need to. I don't think I will have to though.

Anyway I had a mini scare as because I was home alone I decided to wear my dogs collar because I like it and nearly got caught by my mum as she couldn't find it on dog. Then when she went to look upstairs I took it off and said it fell off. I got away with it and she has no idea.

I haven't been phantom shifting as much for some reason and have started only feeling my ears or tail when they move but don't really have a weight to them. Ive been mental shifting loaaaads though even if I hate shifting. It's like you get urges to run and stuff but I can't because I'm stuck in this stupid house in my room and cannot run without being judged in society *sigh*

Anyway imma go now byeeee

Therian Diary (coywolf)Where stories live. Discover now