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Well.. I have a LOT to talk about

So first of all.. I MET MY ONLINE FRIEND!!

so about a month ago while I was on the therian tag on instagram I noticed that someone had their location set as my home town (where I am now) so I messaged them asking if they were really from there and they were! We also found out we had been in the same McDonalds the same day after school and she actually saw me and saw my therian delta top but was too scared to say anything. Anyway we video chatted and basically talked every few days and a few days ago I actually managed to meet her irl! It was kind of risky though because I had to go alone as my mum works like every day but I made it so we met in daylight in a public spot and it went really well. She's a black wolf therian and we have quite the same interests.

Now onto my vent *deep breath*

So.. I think I may have another kintype

Now what's making me think this is that for a few months now instead of my phantom tail being down my legs like normal I have started feeling my tail being risen up kind of like when you feel threatened but in a relaxed way and with a curve. The tail usually has this shape but can also rise higher and slowly sway slightly to the sides or lower down but still with a curve.

Now in reality I don't know what kintype this may be caused by but I reaaallly don't want another canine kintype, reason being, nearly every polykin you see has two canine theriotypes and I don't want to be "typical". Also I don't know if this theriotype is another kintype or if its like an animal I got mixed up with my coywolf because the shift mindset feels identical to my coywolf and I get it when I shift into my coywolf.

I did do some meditation out of the blue about a few weeks ago because I was bored and I saw what looked like a skinny wolf but then as I looked it turned into a wolf like body but German shepherd features. When it first happened I kind of buried it down because I wasn't very focused so I thought my brain was making stuff up but I really don't know. I looked up wolf dogs and the Czech wolfdog is what it looks most like but idk, I really don't want another hybrid and my tail doesn't wag loads like a dogs tail. I don't even bark a lot or get urges to bark at stuff its more a high pitched yip like a coyote.

I am really confused rn and don't know wtf I'm feeling. Any help is appreciated.

Therian Diary (coywolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora