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Hey guys so I kinda felt insecure and stuff today.

So as I have started wearing my tail much more frequently in public on my hip I decided I'm gonna wear it everywhere I go except school as I'm not allowed and places where I don't feel very comfortable like one of my best friends as what he thinks will hit me the most as I've known him all my life.

So anyway I went to the asda and like I was looking round when my best friend came up to me and started talking to me. I had a kinda o shit moment cos idk what he was thinking as he didn't know I wore them. He didn't really say anything but asked me "what is that furry thing?" And was like saying he kept looking down and was just laughing at it (didn't say it in a mean way). I just said I did it cos I was a weird child and he should be used to be by now xD.

Then I had to get in the car with his whole family who I knew really well and I felt kinda awkward and scared.

But yeah when I got home I just felt really insecure cos I can't be myself without getting a lot of backlash and judgement from other people but eh I feel a bit better now. Y now it prob happened for the best, at least now I won't have to tell him I wear tails awkwardly cos he did it for me.

Therian Diary (coywolf)Where stories live. Discover now