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Im feeling like crap rn -.-

So all day I've been looking forward to getting this choker which looks like a collar which I found last night only to go and get it and find that it's too big for my neck (I mean it was huge it looked like a belt) -.- now Aiko my theriotype is stuck in a mood and is making me feel like crap.

I can tell which side of me is in a mood as if it's my human side I cry all the time cos im sensitive af, I moan and I sigh and if its my theriotype I stay quiet, I find myself not able to cry, I sulk and I tend not to talk and lick my lips a lot.

I am now curled up on my bed wallowing in sadness and annoyingness XD

I mean I might just go and get a real collar but idk if I like any. I mean I just like the feel of them round my neck but I don't want one that looks too dog like, it's hard to explain.

Idk why I even like collars. I know I'm not a dog because I feel in no way domestic or want a human or whatever. Even my friend who knows im a therian tries to act like they're my owner or whatever but every time they treat me like their pet I bare my teeth at them and walk away.

I guess I just like the feel of them. I don't feel any connection to them I just like the feel of them. I started liking them because of other therians talking about them and I decided to check them out and I pretty liked them.

I hate harnesses though. They're just very costraining and look a bit ugly in my opinion (sorry if I insulted anyone who wears one). They also make me feel more tied up and less free. It's the same with leashes. I like collars but I hate leashes. I don't see a need for one.

Well writing this I think Aiko is settling down a bit and I'm drifting back into my human mindset.

Im thinking of tommorow when I get home to do like a therian about me thing but idk.

Sorry about my horrible writing xD I just needed to vent out.


I was just play fighting with my dad when I had an m shift from reading therian stuff. He pinched me and I started freaking out and yipping and barking and I ended up hitting him and getting a nose bleed.

I am now sat outside with a tissue up my noise eating a massive piece of watermelon with just my teeth while my parents are laughing at me.

That's all for now...byeeees

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