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Hey guys, sorry im not updating much, nothing new has been happening xD.

But anyway I just wanna let things out because im sure my friend is a bit disappointed in me. So I bought a real tail for Christmas and since I told my friend shes been going over it when people are near like "oh so you're getting a real fur tail" and it just makes me feel so uncomfortable. Like to say she did it on the bus and I ended up getting the teacher a bit ashamed of me for getting a real one and even when I explained to her that the animals in America are treated really well and are kept healthy and don't suffer she still got angry that is was cruel because they were in cages.

I mean I know its not really right but at least its not like China and also many tails from roadkill end up either not being tanned well, smell horrible or falling apart and breaking up so for this I think American farms are the best as they are treated well but I would never buy a pelt or a coat, thats just greedy.

Also as I predicted my friend isn't a maned wolf but is maybe an artic fox.

But yeah thats about it. See you

Therian Diary (coywolf)Where stories live. Discover now