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Hey guys just filling you in on my theriotype searching.

So you might have seen a few days ago I did a entry thinking I was a wolfdog. Well, I've done some meditating and now I'm quite sure I'm a great dane.

The reason why was first of all, I've noticed my tail feels much more thin like a cats tail but not as long or winding so like a dog tail. In meditation I decided to focus the tail in my mind and then tried to flow a body in without forcing anything. As I did I saw a blue coated (not actually blue, its grey, its just called a blue coat) great dane. At first I didn't know what dog it was but after research I found them. The dog is quite square (on the head) and has pointed ears not floppy.

I'm quite surprised tbh, I never thought I would have a connection to this animal at all. Its the last thing I would make appear in my mind if it was psychological because I haven't come across these animals for years and even forgot they exist.

But yeah I also did some meditation yesterday and I believe I was domesticated and I was owned by a young adult male. In the meditation I put on some park sounds and saw myself being thrown a ball by the owner from a third person view.

Also my coywolf is still there so I believe I have now 3 kintypes (coywolf, great dane and demon) because I tried to meditate on them and they appeared.

At least now I finally found the reason I feel very connected to bright sunny days as well as the dark espessially if its warm.

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