8- running out of time

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Red and Silver had just made it to Jade Mountain, Red could barely understand anything, everything was just noise and colors, he wished he could just sleep but he feared what would happen if he did. As Silver slowly dragged Red off he could hear another dragons speaking but he couldn't really understand what either of them were saying as everything was just sounds.

Red leaned on Silver's shoulder, it was surprisingly comfortable, Red slowly fell asleep as whoever Silver was talking to gave him something.

Red found himself back in the nightmarish hallway his pain always started. Statues lined the room, Red felt as if he was going to cry, he was afraid, he didn't want this, he didn't want to be in pain anymore. Darkstalker slowly approached from the open door at the end of the hall, he had a small smile as Red cried in fear.

Darkstalker then said, "Hello again Red." Red winced in fear, he backed up his legs shaking, "Why don't you just give up? You can have your dreams back, you just have to give up... Or perhaps you want more pain?" Red cried more, shaking violently. Darkstalker grinned, "So I suppose you want to give up now?"

Red knew he shouldn't but he knew what Darkstalker would do if he refused, he would torture and toy with Red. Red thought for a moment, he couldn't keep it up anymore he was in so much pain he needed to have a good rest, he had no choice. Red then stuttered, "O-Ok, I give up..." Red hoped Silver would be able to do something about this, but Red himself needed to give up, he had felt to much pain to continue fighting, but even if he was giving up he wasn't gonna let Darkstalker completely win.

As Darkstalker faded taking control of Red's awake form, Red wandered his mindscape and looked for any parts of Darkstalker's magic that were fused into him. Red was going to rip the magic out to slowly weaken Darkstalker from the inside. Red could only hope that Silver was safe and could find a way to distract Darkstalker long enough for Red to get rid of him.

(Silver by Skykid762)

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