Chapter 2

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Dear Diary,

So, I talked to this guy Joseph from my dating app.  He seems okay.  Almost, too okay.  He thinks my picture is sexy.  While I said thank you, I don't know.  It's not much.

So anyway, Joseph.  He's thrity-five, blonde, blue eyes.  Huh, my weaknesses since age thirteen.  Ha, and same name!  Once a Blockhead, always a Blockhead.  He has a daughter, she's eight.  And his ex-wife is not in the picture, even for their daughter.  At least not right now.  She has, oh let's call them issues.  Hmmmm, do I really want to get involved with that?  He says he's not looking for anything, just some fun, same as me.  He wants me to come over tonight since it's a Saturday.  I'm thinking about it.  But, I don't know.

I mean, am I really wanting to do this?  Girl, stop it.  Yes.  You are.  You need to have some fun.  And his pics were cute.

She paused her writing as he phone buzzed with a text message.  It was Joseph.

J:  Do you want to come over and "play?"

Out loud to no one, Leia spoke, "ugh, how do I answer this?"

L:  Isn't it kinda late?

J:  No.  Or did I scare you?

L:  Not scared.  At least, okay.  Maybe a little.

"Why did I tell him that?"

J:  It's okay.  Don't be.  Come over.  If you're uncomfortable, we'll stop and try another time to get together.

Leia went back to her diary.

I guess I'm going to meet Joseph.  He wants to "play."  I don't know if I find that childish or aluring.  Maybe a bit of both?  Oh what now?  Stupid phone.

Leia grabbed her phone and saw another message from Joseph.  Her eyes widened and she felt herself salivating at the sight before her.  She went back to writing.

OMG.  Okay.  I'm going.  If that pic he just sent me is what is waiting for me to "play" with, damn.  Maybe I should return the favor?  Hmmmm.  I'll think about it.

She closed her notebook and went to take a shower.  She didn't want to give Joseph the wrong impression.  While cleaning up, he brain started in on her.  "Really?  A one night stand?  And because of nothing more than a dick pic?"

"No," she said out loud to herself, "because I miss being with a man.  It's not like I can call up. . ." She stopped as she felt her eyes tear up.  "No.  Stop.  You moved on.  So did he.  Besides, just because he sent that, doesn't mean you're fucking him tonight."

But Leia realizing how long it had been, continued to tend to herself, making sure the only hair on her body was on her head.  "Hmmm, I kinda like this.  Never cut it all off before.  New venture!" she thought.

As she went back to her room, four more messages were on her phone, all from Joseph.

J:  I realize you need my address

J:  Call me for it

J:  I hope you want to see me

J:  I think you're sexy

Leia giggled to herself.  She started to realize that the couple hour conversation she had with Joseph the night before  must have gotten to him.  She suddenly felt a waive of confidence wash over her.  Something she hadn't felt in years.  She messaged him back.

L:  Was in the shower.  Getting dressed.  Will call soon.

Then, even though she knew it was trashy, something inside her head said, "Oh, just do it."  With that, she took a picture of herself wrapped in her towel with her bare breasts showing and sent it to him with a note.

L:  since you showed me yours.

She stood at her closet, staring at her clothes and thinking, "I have got to be out of my mind.  What am I doing?  This isn't me.  I should cancel."  Then out loud, "No.  He even said if I'm uncomfortable, we'll stop.  How are you going to meet anyone if you don't actually go meet them?"

But this wasn't going to a bar or a club.  This was meeting someone she was talking to online.  And going to his house.  How odd was this?  But he has a kid.  Either he doesn't care who comes around, or he just doesn't disrupt her life.

L:  Question.  Can we meet at a bar or restaurant or something first?

She saw he read her message, and then waited with knots in her stomach as she watched the dancing dots on her phone, and indicator that he was replying.

J:  I'd love to, but I don't have anyone to stay with my daughter.  If you want to wait until next week when I can get a babysitter and then go out, I understand.

"So he is thinking of his kid.  Okay, he can't be all that bad.  I do like he's putting her before himself," she thought to herself.

L:  No, that's fine.  I'll come by.  But maybe next week would still be a possibility if tonight goes well?

J:  Sounds good.  Now, get those big ass tits over here so I can suck on them.  HAHA!  I'm kidding.  But they are BEAUTIFUL.

L:  I'll leave soon.  Just got to finish up a few things.

J:  Okay sexy.  See you soon.

"Okay, seriously girl, what are you doing?" and Leia went back to her closet.  She started by pulling out a pair of jeans, and then stopped.  "Stop this.  You are in your own house.  You don't have to worry about sneaking passed Mom anymore.  Wear whatever you want to go see him."  She smiled, and pulled a black mini skirt out, a black bra, and a black lace hoodie.  She got dressed, curled her hair, put some light make up on, and her knee high black heeled boots.  As she looked in her full length mirror, she spoke,  "I'm doing my Johnny Cash impression.  Woman in Black."

She headed down the stairs and went to her notebook on the breakfast counter and wrote.

Well, here I go.  I'm going to go meet Joseph.  I honestly look good.  A little trashy, but really, I don't care.  I'm thirty-two years old.  If I want to show off what I've got, who cares.  I need this.  And it doesn't mean anything is going to happen.  Just that, well, I like to look good.  What's wrong with that?

Nothing.  And with that, she jumped in the truck and called Joseph to say she was leaving and to get his address.  Once he gave it to her, she programmed her GPS on her phone to get her there.  His only major instruction was, "Make sure you pull all the way up into the driveway.  The back door to my house leads right into my room.  That way, my daughter won't wake up."

"I can do that."

"Leia, honestly honey.  No pressure.  If you're not. . ."

"No, I'm good.  I am a little nervous, but I'll be fine once we meet."

"Okay sexy.  See you soon."

She thought to herself, "he's so sweet.  Yeah, we talked about hooking up.  But he's so putting my comfort first.  I can relax."   

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