Chapter 39

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"GOD DAMN IT!  YOU FUCKING BITCH!"  Danny was screaming as he stared at his truck.  He hadn't realized that Leia had come downstairs.  "FUCK!"

In a shy quiet tone, Leia spoke, "Uh, honey, what's going on?"  Danny whipped around, grabbed his keys from the hook by the door and shut his alarm off.  Shaking his head, his lips so tight that all she could see was a thin line on his face.  His eyes, usually light in color were almost black and seemed soulless.  She had only seen that look in eyes once, and it was years ago.  But it was about her back then.  She hadn't done anything wrong, neither had he.  An outsider was trying to get in between then when they were having some issues, and Danny became a bit jealous.  Not that the other guy would have ever won her heart, but it showed her back then how much Danny cared about her.  

"Go grab my jeans, and get the cops here, now," was all he said, and he was stern.  "Damn this bitch!"

Leia went up the stairs as quick as she could with her still troubled ankle.  As she came back down, Danny was pacing the foyer.  She handed him his jeans, he said thank you and started to put them on.  "Danny please baby.  You're scaring me,"  Leia said, a bit shaky.

"Just get the cops over here.  And I want you upstairs until they get here.  You got me?  Go upstairs, call them to report vehicle damage, and you stay there.  I mean it Leia.  Stay upstairs." 

He was in a state of pissed off that she had never seen from him.  While she knew he wasn't upset with her, she just said, "Oh-okay babe.  I promise."  As she walked up the stairs, she dialed 9-1-1 and gave the information required to get authorities out to her house.  She watched out her bedroom window for them to show up.  Once she saw a squad car pull up, she quickly threw on a pair of shorts, Danny's t-shirt, grabbed a hoodie and quickly hobbled downstairs and outside along side him.  When she got outside, she now understood Danny's rage.  His black Chevy Silverado 1500 had the back window smashed out, and there was red spray paint all the way around the truck that said, "YOU'RE MINE! I LOVE YOU!"  Leia's eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped to the floor.  "Oh my God.  Danny."

As the officer approached them, Leia noticed another man coming across her driveway.  He was taller, with dark hair and a goatee.  She realized she had seen him before, the day she moved in.  It was her neighbor.  Because of her job, she never really saw him much, so she hadn't actually met him.  What a way to meet the neighbors. With the cops outside.  He approached her and spoke, "Hey, I'm Tommy.  I live next door.  Sorry we haven't met until now.  I'd ask if everything is okay but, I'm guessing by the state of your husband's truck, it's not."

"Why does everyone think he's my husband?!" fired off in her brain.  "Hi Tommy.  Leia.  That's Danny, my boyfriend talking to the police."

"Oh.  I'm sorry.  I just assumed since I was always seeing his truck here you two were married.  What um. . .what happened here?"

"Ex-girlfriend that doesn't want to let him go.  It's a mess.  At that moment, Danny came walking up to them, placing a hand on Leia's lower back.  "Oh, Danny, this is my neighbor, Tommy."

Tommy extended his hand to shake Danny's and he obliged.  "Sorry about your truck man.  I can't imagine."

"Yeah, I've had about enough of this bitch.  Uh, Leia baby, the police need to talk to you too.  Cuz you know, you're house and all."  She said okay, gave him a quick kiss, and then went to talk to the officer.

"I was telling Leia that I live right next door here.  I came out because I heard something crash and then the alarm."

"Yeah, sorry about that man.  We were upstairs and had to get ourselves decent."  Danny just stared back at his truck, "Fuuuuuuck."

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