Chapter 13

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Leia stood at her front door in complete disbelief of the man she was staring at.  "Danny?" she said again, with a very shocked and inquiring inflection in her voice.  "Danny?!"  She started to step back from the door.

"Can I come in?"

She nodded yes, and said his name again, while opening the screen door.  He walked in, and she caught the scent of his leather jacket.  "Oh my God, I miss that smell," her head and heart screamed.

"I take it you are a bit surprised to see me."

"Surprised?  SURPRISED?  Surprised he says," as she threw her hands up in the air as if she were trying to catch something.  She felt her heart racing as if she had just ran a marathon without stopping.  "Surprised is not even the right word."  She closed the door, and was standing there in her foyer, completely frozen by the sight of a man that she hadn't seen in almost eight years when she told him to leave.  "How in the hell did you even know where I am?" 

He turned around and captured her with his shining hazel orbs.  There were a few ways he could make Leia completely unable to move, and one sure fire way to get her to do whatever he wanted.  Right now, keeping his eyes locked with hers, even with a good five feet of space between them, was making her legs so weak, that she couldn't bring herself to even try to move.  "I went by your parent's place much earlier tonight, and they told me you had moved out.  Your mom didn't want to tell me where, but your dad was okay with telling me."  He smiled at her.

"Yeah, Dad always did like you.  Even when he probably shouldn't have."  Her heart was still racing, and her brain was talking to her again, "My God, he's here."

"Yeah, I admit, I've fucked things up pretty good.  And not just us.  I. . ."

Cutting him off, Leia was a bit crass in her voice, "Danny, what on Earth are you doing here?"

"I deserve that."

She finally got the nerve to walk passed him when he had dropped his eyes with his last statement.  "Seriously.  Why?  And why so late?"  As she walked into her kitchen, and started to make that cup of tea she had gotten taken away from when he rang her doorbell. 

He followed her, not as close as he would've liked to, but he followed her nonetheless.  "Still have to have that cup of tea before bed I see," he remarked.


"Okay, okay.  I went to your parent's place looking for you, obviously.  Your dad gave me your address, and I came by but you weren't here.  I figured you were probably with Erica so I went over by her house and. . ."

"You went to Erica's?  Have you no brain in that head of yours?"  The last time Leia and Danny split up, Leia spent the weekend on Erica's couch, crying uncontrollably because she had caught Danny trying to hook up with another woman.  Erica gave Leia her true feelings on Danny for all the times he had hurt her, all the way back to when they had started out as teens.  It didn't matter to Erica that Danny was the love of Leia's life.  She could not stomach the sight of him.

"I guess I don't.  She let me know what she thinks of me," as he rubbed his hand on the right side of his face.  "That girl slaps hard." 

Leia giggled as she heard the teapot begin to whistle and she turned off her stove, grabbed her mug and began to pour the water.  She motioned to him to see if he wanted a cup and he shook his head no.  As she continued making her tea, she spoke and said, "Yeah, well, this is one time I can't say as I blame her for doing that.  I'm on her side."  She sat down on the stool in front of her breakfast counter.  She realized her diary was open to her last encounter with Joseph.  "Fuck," she thought, "I need to close this.  He doesn't need to know the things I've done since he's been gone."

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