Chapter 35

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 "So, are you enjoying your time home?" Erica asked Leia.  It was the first time she had gotten a chance to call her since Leia left work Monday afternoon.

"Meh, maybe if I could walk better.  I mean, my ankle is getting there, it's just going super slow."

"Well, maybe if you'd stop riding Danny."

"Hey now!  It's only Wednesday.  I've only been on him once since Saturday.  And besides, what have you really been doing?  You break Sammy yet?"

"Ha!  You're funny.  You left, and Laura piled shit on me.  I haven't even seen him since Friday.  I talked to him Sunday.  But see him?  Shit.  You killed that."

"I beg your pardon.  I did no such thing."

The girls went back and forth about how leaving her job was the best thing for Leia.  She just couldn't take Laura's shit anymore.  Erica was also on the verge of going off on Laura.  "I don't blame you for leaving.  She has been unbearable.  And I don't see it getting any better.  I just don't know what I want to do.  But I know I don't want to stay at this place."

"I'm sorry Ere.  I didn't mean for my leaving to make things harder on you."

"It was bound to happen.  You've been talking about this for a while.  And yes, I know I gave you a hard time about going to work with Danny.  But if it's really better, and you guys are okay with it, I should be too.  He really has been all about you these last couple weeks.  I will admit that.  I will also admit, I still have by doubts about him, and I'm sorry for that.  But I'm just being honest with you.  And, honestly, if the two of you are meant to be together, well shit girl, I hope that happens.  I really do.  I do remember how you two were when you first got together."

"Thanks Ere.  I do have some fears about this, but yeah.  I just, I never fell out of love with him, no matter what I did.  I really tried to.  I did.  But, I guess he was just put here for me."

"Oh Lord, you're getting all mushy.  Just stop!  Are we still doing the bon fire Saturday?"

"Oh shit, I totally forgot.  Um, yeah.  I'm sure we could still do it.  But I think we need to pot luck it.  Let's talk about this more on Friday at Hilly's okay?"

"Babe?" Danny hollered from the kitchen.

"Uh oh, gotta go Ere.  He's got dinner ready."

"He's there tonight?  Now why you want to talk at Hilly's makes more sense."

"Oh stop.  We'll talk later.  Bye."  With that, and a giggled bye from Erica, Leia began her hobble down the stairs for dinner.  "You know hun, you don't have to cook every night.  I can make food too."  She slid onto the stool at her breakfast counter, Danny taking the seat beside her.  "And yes, I'll get a new table soon.  I'm tired of the counter myself."

"Babe, first, did I say anything about the counter?  Second, it doesn't bother me to make dinner when I'm here, you know that.  I'm just doing what I said I would, and that's taking care of you.  Why does it bother you?"

"It doesn't bother me.  I just don't want you to think you have to do it all the time."

"I know I don't.  But again, it's me taking care of you."  He reached down and squeezed her hand.  She looked up at him, "There's my girl."  All she could do was smile.

As the time neared ten o'clock, Danny started to get himself together and ready to head home.  He hated leaving Leia.  Especially everything has been quiet on the Lacy front.  He was still worried about that.  He'd never forgive himself if anything happened to Leia.  "You do know, I'm staying this weekend?"

"I'll be fine.  You don't. . ."

"Nope, no argument.  Besides, aren't we doing that bon fire here Saturday?"  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him.  Her face was turned and buried in his chest as he ran his hands up and down her back.  "Mmmm, you smell so good darlin'."

"Thanks.  Now you better go, or I might not let ya," as she started to pat his ass.  She didn't need a babysitter, but that didn't mean she wanted to see him go.  But it was a good thing.  Again, time to be missed.

"I wouldn't complain about that," as he let his lips meet hers.  She let out a combination moan and giggle, especially as he let his hands travel, one to her ass, the other to tickling her core over her shorts.

"Stooooooop." She let out giggling, lightly and playfully pushing him away. 

Biting at her lower lip and playfully giggling himself, "you don't want me to go do you?  You want me to play with that special part of you don't you?"  She started to giggle like a school girl.  "Mmmm, you do, don't you?"

"I do.  But you need to go tonight.  Friday baby.  Friday."

"I know, I'm just messing with you.  I'll be by tomorrow after work. If that's still okay."

"You know it is."

"Okay babe.  Get some sleep.  I love you Lei."

"Love you too D."  She locked the door after getting one more kiss from him.  She headed up the stairs, brushed her hair and teeth, and then turned in for the night.  Her brain however, wasn't ready for a slumber.  It kept reminding her of the way he had touched her at the door.  Then she thought of Monday night, and how they both knew they were rehashing an awkward make out session from over a decade ago.  She was thinking how sweet he was back then, and how when it came to her, how he was still that sweet.  All last week, he took care of her because of her injury, and no matter how insane her request was, he didn't falter in helping her.  Then him getting her out of her "where can I hang myself from?" job, still taking care of her.  She started to think that maybe he really was after something other than her heart.  Why be this good to her?  After all this time?  Out loud, laying in her bed she said, "because he loves you, you idiot.  Why are you even questioning this?  Because he's been known to fuck things up.  But he's not going to fuck this up.  I know he's not.  This time is completely different.  For as long as I've known him, and as much as we have been in each other's lives, I've never seen him like this with anyone.  Stop trying to find something wrong, Leia.  There is nothing wrong.  He loves you.  You've loved him for the last thirteen years.  Just let this play out.  You're finally getting what you always dreamed would happen."  She rolled over on her left side, pulled the chain on the lamp atop her headboard, said, "Good night Danny.  I love you," and drifted off to sleep.

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