Chapter 7

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The past week and half were so dull and mundane, Leia couldn't stand it.  Her online dating app wasn't producing any candidates either.  Despite stating her limitations on age, the men that did message her either thought she was kidding, or didn't know how to read.  She would just ignore the messages as if she never got them.  Then she would go click on Joseph's profile just to see him.  "No, don't do this.  You're not dedicated to him.  Yes, y'all are messing around.  But you're not committed to one another.  Don't start that thinking," her brain told her.  But she couldn't help it.  She missed him.  And his dick. 

It was another Friday, and since Joseph was not monopolizing Leia's time (and pussy), she was able to stay the whole night at Bill Hilly's and help Mark.  Last week, he showed her more of the computer program that he used to run his show so that if he had to step away for a few moments, the show could go on, as the old saying goes.  She like the idea of running a karaoke show, so when Mark asked if she'd like to learn so that she could be his back up, she welcomed it.  And she saw it as extra income, which was always a good thing. 

"And that was Leia," Mark announced as she was done singing. Tonight, Leia decided she was going to be a little more relaxed and showed up in a t-shirt, jeans, cowboy boots, and her hair down with a bandana around her forehead.  She looked like she had just dropped in from 1986.  She didn't care, she loved her hair bands. Poison, Bon Jovi, Warrant, the list went on and on. And, she realized she vocalized best with those songs from Poison, and she was good at them.  It gave her confidence. She loved the '80's and often missed them, but her memories of growing up in the best decade  ever kept her going when it came to music and how she performed at karaoke.  Given that she did sing a lot of Poison songs, everything from "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" to "Look What the Cat Dragged In," it was only all too fitting that the man that approached her was named Bret.  She had just finished "Unskinny Bop."

"Excuse me, and I swear, I'm not trying to come onto you or anything, but I have honestly never seen a chick rock out the way you just did. That was awesome. Here's my number. Call me sometime."

"Well, thank you. I'll hang onto it," and she put his number in the pocket of her jeans, "what was your name again?"

"Oh I'm sorry. Bret. Nice to meet you." 

"Hi Bret, Leia."

"Mind if I grab you a beer?"

"Not at all. Thank you." Leia was intrigued by him. He was good looking, stocky build, dark hair and eyes, a little bit of scruff on his face. This night he was in blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and he wore a black bandana on his head. Again, all too fitting given her love of her '80's fantasy men. "Well, thanks for the beer. It's that time. I got to help Mark take his gear down."  She had forgotten about Joseph at the moment.

"Oh, is the dj your . . ."

"No, no no. I'm his backup. He's been teaching me how to run the equipment."

"Ooooh, that's cool. Female dj, not something you see too often. Well, hey, like I said, give me call in a few days. Love to get to know you better," and he headed out of the bar.

As Leia wandered back to Mark, she got questioned by him. "New friend?" 

"I suppose so. He was pretty surprised that a chick can do Poison."

"Mmmmm hmmmm. Sure," he retorted in a joking manner. Leia just gave Mark that look of "seriously, not everyone thinks that way." He continued, "C'mon. You think he didn't notice you? Cuz we both know you got them bodacious tatas."

That was Mark! Goofy bastard he was. He honest to God never meant anything by that towards her, they were just that good of friends. "Oh c'mon. Is it so hard to believe that maybe he just liked what I did?" After a brief pause, and reading Mark's face, she spoke. "Okay, yeah, I know better. So what? I'm single. Works for me."

"Aren't you seeing someone?"

"He's out of town.  And we're not committed. So, I can play the field a bit."  She was still a woman to the core. She still held all the desires of a woman. She wanted to be wanted. She wanted to know what it was like to have a man chase after her. She wanted to be at a man's beck and call. And since Joseph was out of town, Bret's curiosity of her gave her reason to want to call him.  It also told her that she was putting some sort of vibe out there.  For the first time since her late teens/early twenties, she had a man approach her for no other reason than he seemed genuinely interested in her.  It gave her a boost.  It also gave her a headache from Erica.

"What was that?"

Leia smiling, "I got a phone number.  And I'm not even dressed up!"  Her tone was triumphant and overly happy.

"Are you going to do anything with it?"

"I might.  He's cute."

"And, Joseph?"

Leia suddenly felt like she was being grilled in a motherly fashion.  She did not care for it.  She was a grown woman.  "What about him?"

"I thought you liked him?  And you're thinking about seeing this new guy?"

"So what?  I don't see you with a steady relationship Ere.  After all the time I've been by myself, what is the big deal if I go out with a couple different guys?" She noticed the look on Erica's face.  "Oh, I get it.  You don't want me going out with a bunch of different guys because for once, I'm the one getting the attention, and not you, is that it?"

"No Leia.  Now c'mon. You've just never been one to bounce from man to man."

"I'm not bouncing.  I have options. And the only way I'm going to see which options are good for me is by test driving them."


Leia called Bret a few days later and he was delighted to hear from her. They were talking music, and when he found out that she owned albums by Motorhead, his head about exploded. "Oh we have got to get together. I have legit never known a girl to be into Motorhead. That's fuckin' hot."

"What did you have in mind?" she asked.

"I think you should come over to my place."

Leia became a hair cautious. She just met this guy. And while she thought he may be fun, she was still a bit of a little girl. "I don't know."  And honestly, she was thinking about Joseph. But he was out of town.  And he had told her to have fun while he was gone.  "What if it was a test to see if he could trust me?" she thought.  Her brain went on to tell her, "If he was testing you, he wouldn't have reminded you he wasn't looking for a serious relationship.  If he was testing you, you'd have met his daughter.  Keep your options open.  Besides, Bret looked like A LOT of fun."

They talked a bit more, and Bret ended the conversation. However, a few days later, Thursday, to be exact, he called her, and again, made the same proposition. Something in Leia changed. Maybe it was because she had gone a few weeks without.  Even though she knew Joseph was back, she hadn't heard from him.  And she really wanted to be touched.  She took Bret up on his invitation. And once she left her office, she drove to his place.

When she arrived, they talked for a few minutes, and then he proceeded to kiss her.  It was forceful but convincing, and it sent sensations through her like she couldn't have imagined if she wanted to.  She felt the warmth growing between her legs, and began having the most raunchy thoughts possible. She wanted to be ravaged.  She began to think that since she hadn't heard from Joseph even though he was back from vacation, that he was done with her.  So when Bret allowed her to pull away from his kiss, she had decided to act upon the switch he had flipped on her and  let him know it with one question. "Do you wanna fuck me?"

Sweet little innocent Leia was gone. 

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