Chapter 46

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"Well, which do you want to do?  Expand or move?" Danny asked Tony as they were on their way back from their bank meeting, looking down towards the floor of Tony's truck as he turned his phone back on.

"I'm not sure yet.  Both are good ideas.  Let's mull this around a little bit more.  We've got the financial approval either way, so at least we're good. . ." Tony stopped talking, leaving his sentence to dangle.  "What the hell?"

"What?" Danny inquired as he looked up. When he saw lights flashing in the drive of the shop he began to silently panic.  He felt his phone buzz and saw the message Leia had sent him.  "Oh shit.  No."  Since the truck was stopped, Danny jumped out and started running towards the shop.  An officer stopped him saying he couldn't go in.  "I'm one of the owners.  My girlfriend is in there."  He was almost crying.  As the officer let him pass, he slowed himself down as he saw the door to the shop open and another officer leading Lacy out in cuffs.

"Danny!  Baby, please tell this guy this is a mistake.  Tell him we're still together.  You love me don't you Danny?"

Danny took a long look at Lacy, tears in her eyes.  He took a deep breath, and then spoke, "Get her the fuck off my property."

As the officer moved her along, Lacy was screaming, "No!  You're mine!  Not hers!  I'll kill her!"

Danny watched as the officer put Lacy in the back of his car.  Maybe now this could finally be over.  He started to walk backwards and as he turned to his right, he saw Leia in the door to the shop.  "Shit, Leia."  He ran toward the door as she came running out.  As she neared him, she jumped into his arms, and was crying.  "Baby, I am so sorry.  I had my phone off for this meeting.  Are you okay?  Please tell me you're okay."  Leia didn't speak, she just nodded yes into his chest.  "Are you sure?  I need to know you're okay."

She finally pulled her tears back enough to be able to speak.  "Yeah, I - I'm okay.  Shaken up.  But okay.  I didn't know what to do.  She told me her name to have her car looked at and. . ."

"Her car looked at?" Danny inquired cutting her off, "that bitch.  She hasn't had a car in like three years.  It got re-poed.  Either way, baby I'm so sorry.  SO sorry.  I didn't know this was going to happen."

"I - I know that Danny.  I do.  It's not your fault."  Leia ran her hand over her stomach.

"Lei, you okay?"

"I think all this mess has my stomach upset.  Not everyday some crazy chick threatens to kill me."

"Excuse me, Ms. Davison, would you be able to come down the station and provide your statement?"

"Yes, just let me. . ." Leia stopped talking and covered her mouth.  She quickly ran to the side of the building as that was the closet place she could get to before bringing up what little lunch she had eaten.  Danny having followed her was rubbing her back.  "Oh my God," she said, "Okay, I'm good now.  I think the excitement has worn off."

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," and she started walking back towards the officer.  "Sorry about that.  Let me just grab some water and we'll be right down." She told him.

"It's okay.  Take your time.  Get yourself calmed down.  We'll be waiting.  Please, do not feel rushed."

"Thank you officer," Danny replied as he shook the officer's hand.  As he watched the officer get in his car and drive off with Lacy, Danny felt a sense of calm rush over him.  But now he was worried about Leia.  He'd never seen her get sick like that, ever.  But, this was a quite nerve racking situation, so he let it go.  He took a few steps towards the street as Tony was finally walking back up to the shop.  Danny filled him in on what happened.  "I think this time, it's finally over.  With her threats on Leia, there's no way she's getting out of this one."

"I hope for your sake that this is over.  My God.  Where's Leia?  Is she okay?"

"She's putting herself back together.  She's gotta go make a statement.  I'm going to go with her.  You good with the rest of the day?"

"Go on.  Do what you need to.  When it comes to the shop, I think we should get Leia's opinion.  After this, I wouldn't blame her if she wanted to move."

Just as Tony said that, Leia appeared, "Ready to go?" Danny asked her.  She nodded yes, and they walked around back and got into Danny's truck, and headed towards the station.


"Why does my input matter?" Leia asked as Danny pulled into their driveway, "I don't own the shop."

"No, but after what happened today, do you want to go back there all the time?  And, you know Tony.  If he wants your opinion, he sees something in you that goes beyond your job.  Your thoughts on what we should do means something to him," and he closed the door to the garage as they entered the house.

"I don't know," Leia was warry in her response, "all I do is handle the bills."

"Who better to get an opinion from than the bill payor!"  Danny giggled, then leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips.  "Baby, I'm so sorry about today.  I should have been there."

"Stop.  You didn't know. . ."

"I know," he cut her off, "but still."  He led her to the kitchen.  "You want to just get a pizza tonight?"

"That would be great.  I really don't feel like cooking," she told him, "Get the usual.  I'm going to go up and change."

"Will do.  Leia, I love you babe."

"Love you too."


"Ugh, did they change their recipe?  This is gross," Leia commented after she took a bite of her pizza.

Danny looked at her confused, "No, same as it's always been.  You sure you're okay?  Maybe today just got the better of you."

"No, something is different.  It seems, I don't know, sour."

Danny shook his head. "Honey, I think you're just still worked up from earlier.  It's fine. I promise."

She tried taking another bite, and her body wasn't having it.  Leia shot up and ran to the bathroom by the front door where she got sick yet again. "What the fuck is going on with me?" she thought to herself.  I don't get sick like this?"  She got up from the floor, and Danny was in the doorway.  "I'm okay," she told him.

"I don't think you are babe.  I think you're still reeling from the shit with Lacy.  Why don't I get you some ginger ale, and you just relax on the couch okay?"

She nodded yes as she was rinsing her mouth out, and then it hit her.  And it had nothing to do with Lacy at all.  But she would have to wait until the morning.  She went back to the living room and stretched herself out on the couch.  Her brain was going a million miles  an hour.  She had a pretty good idea why she was getting sick.  But did she dare say anything?  

"Leia, did you hear me?"

She shook herself out of her trance, "no, sorry.  I didn't."

"Leia, what is going on with you?  Would you please tell me?  You're starting to scare me.  I'm worried about you."  He saw that unsure, frightened look on her face.  "C'mon darlin', you know you can tell me anything.  What is it?"

She couldn't hide from him.  He knew her too well. "Well. . ."

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