Chapter 25

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Dear Diary,

Fuck, what do I do now?  Danny is insisting on staying here this week because of my ankle.  I mean, it is sweet.  He always has taken care of me when I'm down.  I remember when we were "kids,"  I got a cold so bad that I stayed home from work.  His goofy ass came to my house after he got out of school to check on me.  He ended up staying awhile because my parents had to run somewhere.  Hmmm, I also seem to remember we ended up making out in my room.  That was the first time he had ever seen my tits without anything covering them, ha!  Ah, good times.  I think if my parents had been gone much longer, we would've ended up a lot more naked than what we were.  Well, what I was anyway.  

But seriously, I don't care that he wants to be here to help me.  It's what is starting to come with things.  Apparently his ex-fiancée hasn't quite dealt with the fact that he has moved on.  She left a note on my front door while we were at the hospital, claiming he's hers.  Uh uh, honey.  You only think that.  He's been mine for the last thirteen years.  Wait?  We're not together.  I can't say that.  But I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't what I wanted.  Either that or I'm just that protective of him.  Okay, yes.  I will admit when we were still kids that while we were broken up, I was overly critical, and horrifically jealous of ANY girl that got anywhere near him, because after the first time he kissed me, I knew there was something special there that not even the best of romance writers can come up with.  Hell, soap operas could've looked at us and went, "Damn!"  And not just for the bedroom.

Speaking of the bedroom, that's another thing.  God, what we did this morning.  I think I almost killed him.  Metaphorically anyway.  When I came scooting down the stairs on my butt, he just looked so good.  Him with no shirt, and the sheet pulled up to his waist so I caught a good look of his chest.  Fucker had me drooling from both sets of lips and he was still asleep.  And then, I got all bold again.  Long story short, I ended up straddling his face like I had with Bret, and GOD DAMN.  And then I paid him back for it.  I think he was surprised to say the least, but he didn't like bounce off the walls with it.  I'm so scared of him finding out about the things I've done with Bret and Joseph and thinking less of me and leaving again.  If I had done those things with him from the beginning, it wouldn't be a shock.  But, here's the thing, it is.  I mean, this morning was the first time that I have ever sucked his dick!  And we've been on and off with one another for how long?  

I never stopped loving him.  I've always admitted that.  But fuck am I scared.  Especially now that this Lacy bitch is coming around.  I'm not afraid of her.  I'm afraid of Danny realizing he'd rather have her than me.  That scares the shit out of me.  But if he wanted her over me, he had his chance.  Instead, he called her me in bed the night he proposed to her.  That should say something about how he feels about me, shouldn't it?  

Oh, damn who is this calling?

"Hi Ere.  What's up?"  

"Nothing really.  I talked to Jeni earlier.  Is everything okay?  I heard about what happened at Bob's.  Where's Danny?'

Leia had to think about this.  Is everything okay?  No, not really.  But how would she get Erica to understand this.  She didn't have a choice, she had to try.  "Eh, for the most part, everything is fine.  I won't be at work this week though."

"What?  Why?"

"I sprained my ankle.  So bad, that Danny is staying here the week with me to help out.  He ran to his mom's to grab some stuff, he should be back soon."

"You're going to let him stay?"

"He didn't really give me a choice.  I fell down last night getting pillows for him. . ."

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