Chapter 32

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"Ugh, I hope they tell me I can start to put weight on my foot.  I'm so tired of limping around on crutches."  Leia conveyed her distain of her situation to Danny as they sat in the waiting room at the doctor's office for her follow up.  They hadn't stayed very late at Hilly's the night before because of her early appointment.

"I'm sure they will tell you you're fine.  But, I'm gonna miss you having to hop everywhere."  Leia whipped her head to her right to look him in the face.  "What?  You hop, the girls bounce.  It's a win for me."  He giggled as Leia lightly slapped him in the shoulder.  She knew he was just joking around, but he always was obsessed with her tits, from the day they met.

"Ms. Davison," was finally called.  Danny helped her up out of the chair.  "You can come back too if you need to sir."

"Do you want me to come back with you babe?"  Leia nodded it was okay, and they headed on back.  The nurse got them situated in the exam room and said the doctor would only be a few minutes.  "Hey darlin'," Danny said after the door was closed.  Leia looked him in the eye, and he continued, "think we got enough time for me to bury my face between your legs before the doc comes in?"


Again, he laughed.  "I'm just kidding darlin'.  I'd much rather keep that at home where you can scream all you want."  

Leia smiled and then thought about what he just said, "home?  Uh oh.  Does he think my house is his home now?"

"I hope he tells you what you want to hear.  But I'd be lying to you if I said I'm not going to be a little bummed out.  Just means you won't need me around your place anymore."  He was standing in front of her, holding her hands.

"Danny, I. . ." she was stopped as the doctor came in.  Her focus had to change, and Danny sat down in the extra chair in the room.  

The doctor removed the soft cast she was in under the air cast and had her move her ankle around.  For the most part, she did fairly well.  She let the doctor know that this isn't the first time she's done this.  She knew what was in store for a sprained ankle.  When he asked her to try and stand though, that was another story.  "Hmmm, I don't like that," the doctor said, as she winced trying to put weight on her right foot.

"Are you thinking second degree sprain?"

"Wow, you really have done this before haven't you?  Does she always sprain her ankles hubby?" the doctor asked, turning to Danny.

"Oh he's not my. . ."

"Yes, she does.  But I love her anyway."  Danny just smiled at her.

Leia didn't know what to think.  Why would he not correct the doctor?  They aren't married.  They'd even only been back together for a week.  What was up this man's sleeve?  Not to mention, what the hell was he thinking? 


"Uh, what? I'm sorry, what did you ask?" she said to the doctor.

"Do you have more pain on the side or the back of your heel?"

"Side.  No pain in the Achillies is good."

"Ya know, you're going to put me out of a job," the doctor joked.  However, he told her he was glad that she knew what she was talking about; it made it easier for him to work with her.  "I think you can come. . ."

"Off the crutches unless no other choice.  No heels.  Tying high tops would be best.  Still try to ice on and off at 20 minute intervals. Keep it elevated.  Advil for pain, and start out easy on the exercises.  And if pain worsens or bruising starts, come back asap."

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