Chapter 22

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"Mmmm, I smell coffee."  Danny  was slowly waking up from his slumber.  He rolled so that he was on his right side facing the kitchen area.  As he blinked his eyes open, he saw Leia standing before him in an oversized t-shirt.  He presumed that she had changed into it when she woke up since that wasn't what she went to bed in.  Then it hit him and he asked, "Wait, how'd you get down the stairs? Are you okay?"

Would you believe me if I told you I scooted down the stairs on my ass like a five year old?"

Danny giggled, "From you, hell yeah I'd believe it.  I take it you're still having some pain."

"Eh, yeah.  I'll get over it."  And then she sat down on the edge of the bed and turned her head to the right so she was looking at him.  "God damn, I want to bite into his chest."  She peered into his eyes, but he wasn't quite fully awake yet.

"What?" he asked slightly groggy.  At least the swelling in his eye had gone down.

"Danny, about last night, I. . ."

Cutting her off, "Lei, don't.  You don't have to. . ."

"I know, I know.  But please, I'm sorry about last night.  I shouldn't have thrown you out of my room.  I also shouldn't have kissed you.  You stopping  things before they went to far, well, was the right thing to do.  I was upset and scared.  And then when you started with my hair, I just lost control.  I'm sorry.  The last thing I want to do is hurt you.  You really don't deserve it.  You were just being you when it came to me."  She hung her head as she felt a tear start to fall.

"Leia, you don't need to apologize.  You don't.  I'm the one that has been in the wrong.  Whatever I was thinking eight years ago, I was a fucking idiot.  Quite frankly, I'm surprised when I showed up on your doorstep that you didn't just slam it in my face.  That's what I deserved.  Not you taking me in.  Not you giving me a place to crash last night.  And I certainly didn't deserve you kissing me last night."  He paused, then broke the quiet, "Although, I do have you say, you have never been so bold as to grab my hand and put it on you like that."  And he smiled at her.

"Yeah, about that.  I'm sorry about that too."

"Naw, naw, don't be.  It was hot.  Anything else change about you that I should know about?" He was just teasing, but soon found out that Leia was going to school him on the woman she had become, not just the girl he knew.

Much like she had the night before, she reached over, and grabbed his hand and put it between her legs.  This time, there was no cloth covering her.  When she was writing in her diary, and she heard him begin to wake, she decided to shed herself of her shorts and panties, and try again with him.  She wanted him.  Not because she needed to be with a man, but because she loved him.  She dove into his eyes with hers.  He was able to see inside of her, down into the depths of her soul.  He knew she still loved him.  "Danny," she whispered as she moved her face closer to his.

"Yeah," and he started squeezing her, and running his fingers up and down her lips that he could feel were becoming drenched with desire.

She let her lips softly touch his.  She backed away.   She kissed him again.  And again she backed away.  "Love me.  Please?"  Her request wasn't begging.  It was a sensual, erotic request.  She wanted nothing but the man in front of her.

He didn't answer her out loud.  Instead, he brought both hands up to cup her face and covered her mouth with his.  She let him in, and could feel him breath his love deep into her.  As he tangled his tongue with hers, he brought his hands up and began to grasp at her hair, getting a tight hold on her.  He heard a light moan come from her as he kissed her.  He let go of her hair with one hand, and began to lightly caress her breast, causing her right nipple to pebble up and then he would roll it between his fingers.

Leia broke their kiss.  "You want to know something else that's new with me?"  He shook his head for a moment as he as a little confused, until she said, "Lay down on your back."  He did as she asked, and she straddled him and began to slide herself up towards his face.

"Are you serious?" he asked, quite delighted.  She nodded yes, and brought herself further up, to the point where she allowed her pussy to be in reach of his tongue.  "Wow," was all he could get out before he let his tongue meet her clit, and she grabbed on to the back of her couch.

The longer he pleasured her, the harder she breathed and the more abundant her acknowledgement of how she was feeling came out.  "Ooooh yeah.  Uh.  Oh yeah, keep that up."  Her porn star talk that she had developed was coming back.  She felt his hands reach up and grab onto her ass.  "Mmmmm, yessssss."

He kept up his actions with his tongue. He started poking into her channel with his tongue, and then would suck on her clit which would drive her wild. She couldn't believe she was with him.  He stayed parked on her little ball of nerves with his tongue, while he hooked a couple fingers inside of her.  "Oh my God, Danny, yes.  Do that.  Uhhhh, eat my pussy make me cum."

He didn't let up.  In fact his licking got quicker.  "Oh God yeah, I'm gonna cum.  I'm going to, ahhhhhh...I'm cuuuuuuuuming."

Once she exploded on his face, she slid down off of him and rolled onto the bed to his left.  "Holy shit babe.  Since when do you do that?" he asked between breaths. 

"I do a lot of things.  You ain't seen nothing yet."  With that, she pulled the sheet back and could see the growth in his jeans.  She wasted no time in opening them and whipping his cock out so she could put her mouth over it.  As she slid he lips up and down on him, he just whispered out, "Oh my God, babe," then he'd hiss and bite at his bottom lip.  She was getting him to the brink of explosion when she pulled off, and kissed him.  When she pulled away from his lips, he asked, "where is it?"

"Where's what?"


"I don't have any.  Do you?"


Then both of them at the same time, "well fuck."  They laughed.

"Leia, it's not that I don't want to.  Cuz God do I want to fuck you five ways from Sunday right now, but. . ."

"But we need to be careful.  No, I get it.  I agree with you.  But, it's not fair that I came and you haven't yet.  Let me take care of that."  And she took him back into her mouth.

"Uhhhh, fuuuuck," he let out, especially since she had deep throated him.  "God damn," he whispered.  Leia kept up her oral stroking of his hard cock.  She enjoyed hearing how it was pleasing him.  She finally heard the words from him she was waiting for, "Shit, Leia, I'm. . .gonna. . .Leia. . .fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck."

When she pulled off of him, she wiped the corners of her mouth and said, "gone," as she swallowed Danny's shot of seed that went in her mouth.

Breathing heavily, Danny asked her, "when and where did you learn to do that?"

"I just started doing it one day."

"Well shit, thank you."  He had a shit-eating grin on his face. "Leia?"


"I love you."

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